A theif steals a cart from the boy and his father. In exchange, the father requires the theif to give him this.
What are his clothes?
In "The Life You Save May Be Your Own," Mr. Shiftlet is missing half of this part of his body.
What is an arm?
Polonius lies to Hamlet about the shape of these things.
What are clouds?
Some of you thought the Capstone paper was a bit much. This is another word to describe that.
What is superfluous?
The author of the Road is this man.
Who is Cormac McCarthy?
In "A Christmas Burglar," a man accidentally tries to steal from this person.
Who is his mother?
Claudius slips this small item into the drink to poison it.
What is a pearl [union]?
If I study your visage, I am looking at this to see your response.
What is your face?
This unit of poetry can be counted and used to determine if it's pentameter, hexameter, etc.
What are feet?
The father uses one of his bullets to protect his son from what kind of man?
What is a cannibal?
In "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, Dee's mother refuses to give her these family items.
What are quilts?
Who is Horatio?
Daisy ran over this fractious character with Gatsby's car.
Who is Myrtle?
Double, double, toil and trouble is full of not iambs, but these feet.
What are trochees?
This symbol for hope is what the father and the boy carry.
What is fire?
In "The Life you Save May be Your Own," Lucynell is left at what type of business?
What is a diner?
Polonius says even this being can be covered in sugar.
What is the devil?
Sister will be praying for you; she begs you to do the same for her. This is another word for begging:
What is entreat?
According to Elizabeth Bishop, this art is not hard to master.
What is the art of losing?
A memory of this animal ends the novel.
What is a trout?
In "Welding with Children," Bruton's car recieves this meaningful nickname.
What is the Bastardmobile.
To this character Hamlet insists, "I know not seems."
Who is Gertrude?
This supercilious character from Gatsby hit his peak at 21; it was downhill from there.
Who is Tom [Buchanan]?
"The Road not Taken" was written by this New England author (who also had an apartment in San Francisco).
Who is Robert Frost?