What does "Chicano" mean?
Mexican American
What does AIM stand for?
American Indian Movement
What is one thing Martin Luther King Jr. did?
So many things! Started SCLC, led March on Washington, Walk to Selma, gave the I Have a Dream Speech, was jailed in Birmingham, preached nonviolence, was an inspiration for several other groups, and more
Which government agency ran COINTELPRO?
the FBI (I will accept CIA because they were involved with the Brown Berets, but it was really the FBI)
Which groups were put into concentration camps IN THE US
Japanese Americans
Who did Cesar Chavez fight for?
What's one thing you know about the Wisconsin Walleye Wars?
It was all about spearfishing, took place near Hayward, White people didn't want Native Americans spearfishing, it was a contentious three year era
What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
After Rosa Parks was jailed, black citizens and white allies stopped riding the buses for almost a year. They drove or walked instead. This was a protest against transportation segregation in Montgomery.
What were some things that the FBI did to the groups they targeted?
made people distrust each other, arrested group leaders for no reason, killed people, and more.
Who was the leader of Germany during World War 2?
Adolf Hitler
Before Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta organized a strike and create the Union, how were farmworkers treated?
no bathroom, barely got any money, all had to drink out of one cup, sprayed with pesticides, threatened with deportation, child labor
Name one of the major protests / occupations of the American Indian Movement
there are so many!
What is one thing you know about Shirley Chisholm?
Politician, ran for president, from New York, parents were immigrants
Which group(s) were targeted by COINTELPRO?
What event made the US join World War 2?
Pearl Harbor
What's one thing you know about the Brown Berets?
A high school student group from LA (originally called YCCA), fought for Chicano rights, especially in education
What was life like at the boarding schools Native Americans were forced to attend?
Terrible and inhumane. Children were treated horrifically.
What does SNCC stand for?
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Who was the leader of the FBI when COINTELPRO was happening?
Which country did the United States drop the Atomic Bomb on?
Tell me one thing you know about the Puerto Rican Young Lords?
A group that was very similar to the Black Panthers. It originated in Chicago but spread across the nation, protested about Puerto Rican independence, created community programs, and more
Alcatraz Island
What was "Freedom Summer"?
SNCC and other activists went to Mississippi and held voting drives, set up Freedom Schools, and even made a new political party called the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
What does COINTELPRO stand for?
Counter Intelligence Program
What was the name of the all Black fighter pilots in WW2?
Tuskegee Airmen