What does calm mean?
I feel _______________ when I see my friend riding her scooter, because I want one too.
Give an example of someone who is calm
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NO - calm means relaxed, screaming and crying is not being relaxed
What does jealousy mean?
you want something someone else has or can do
My brother is so ________________, he is always making me laugh.
Give an example of wise
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When I am doing a group project I cooperate with my team to get the work done
YES - cooperate means to work together
What does humorous mean?
The ____________ old man told me not to go in the cave because I could get hurt. I should have listened.
Give an example of cooperate
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My boyfriend and I are so compatible, we are always fighting and don't like any of the same things.
NO - compatible means to go well together
What does wise mean?
knowing or understanding a lot
I have a _________________ that my friend cheated on her test. She kept peaking inside her desk when our teacher wasn't looking!
Give an example of jealousy
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My mom is so wise, she always gives me great advice.
YES - wise means knowing and understanding a lot
What does suspicion mean?
I am not _____________ with my classmate Lucas, we will never get along!
Give an example of cooperate
Great job! :)
George is so humorous he should be a comedian
YES - humorous means funny