What is the heart's job ?
To pump blood to all parts of your body.
Which food group on myplate is largest ?
When we breath in our lungs do what ?
Fill with air (oxygen) and get bigger.
True or False : Ignoring the bullying helps it stop.
One way germs spread is by touching things. How esle can they spread ?
Through the air ( Sneezing, Coughing, etc.)
Where does blood from the heart go before going into our body ?
Which food(s) are the only food that's protein but it isn't meat .
Eggs & Peanuts
The lines in our lungs that look like "trees" are called what ?
Air ways
A person who "stands up" to bullying is called a what type of person ?
Germs are so small you can only see them with a .. ?
About how many seconds does it take the blood to travel through the whole body ?
60 secs (1 minute)
On the Myplate , what food group goes in the purple section.
At the end of the airways in the lungs there are tiny round shapes called what ?
True or False : Bullying is only serious when somebody cries.
About how many seconds and what tempurarure of water should we wash hands to prevent the spread of germs?
20 - 30 seconds
Warm/Hot water
What makes the heart different from the other muscles?
It beats on its own ( We can't control it )
What is the smalllest food group ?
Dairy Group
The long "Windpipe" that leads into the lungs is called what ?
A person who sees bullying but does nothing about it is called a what ?
What is this called ?
Point to where blood enters the heart ?
On the MyPlaye which food group is the 2nd Largest ?
Which lung is the biggest the right or left ?
Right lung
The only way to stop bullying is to .. ?
What is this called ?