How big should the headline be?
Full page wide, 8 picas tall
Do NOT state...
the obvious!
How do you zoom in/out of a picture?
Double click the picture, drag corner of picture in/out.
What are the summer colors?
Lemonade & Violet
What is the job number?
How big should lead-ins be?
18 picas wide, 2 picas tall
What should you do to a song title, book title, poem, etc. when you include it in a caption?
Italicize it.
Where can you find your pages?
plan and/or create -> page ladder -> "All Staff" dropdown -> your name
What are the fall colors?
Watermelon & Campfire
Where can you find deadlines?
Ella's calendar!!
How far should everything be spaced from each other?
1 pica!!!
What should you avoid saying before stating someone's name for the first time?
Their grade:
Senior Angela Almaguer (12)
Where can you upload pictures in Jostens?
create -> image library -> find your name
What are the winter colors?
Grape Juice & Perfect Day
How many mods should you have per page?
1-2 (halfspread), 2-4 (doublespread)
How far should dom caption be from the edges of the dom photo?
1 pica
How many quotes should you have in your captions?
As many as possible (but at least half as many quotes as there are captions).
How can you save a template?
File-> Save as template
What are the spring colors?
Lawn & Seashell
How SHOULDN'T the dom photo be placed on a double page?
In the center.
Give an example of a mod by & picture by using angie's name lol
(Mod by Angela Almaguer)(Picture by Angela Almaguer)
The FIRST time you include a name in a caption, it should be ...
The SECOND time the name is included, it can be...
BOLDED, their full name, grade included: Angela Almaguer (12)
Unbolded, not the full name, a nickname, no grade necessary: Angie
How can you OPEN a template?
Open page you want to use template on -> Design Tab -> My Templates (in the dropdown) -> drag template onto page.
What are the people colors?
Bubble Gum & Chlorine
What is the theme of the book?
What's Our Name?