Purpose of this class.
What is teaching the skills needed to produce the school yearbook?
If stress comes I will do this.
Deadlines are part this.
What is the real world?
What I manage weekly.
What is my section?
The time frame and committment.
What is a year long class and year long committment?
My actions are...
What is a reflection of the entire staff and requires me to be mature?
If we don't meet Balfour's deadlines.
What is paying late charges and delaying our yearbook?
Something I will submit weekly.
What is a Weekly Work Log?
Things we will study in class.
What are layouts, design techniques, proofing strategies, writing and editing?
It is important to be faithful in this.
What is good attendance and carrying my load?
This will not be tolerated.
What is not meeting deadlines?
Graded thing to attend.
What are staff meetings?
When alot of yearbook tasks are done.
What are afterschool hour events/games?
Positions to be held.
What are editors/coordinators and photographers?