What does COB stand for?
Cut out background photo
This is the invisible (or white space created) line that runs across the spread.
The type of question yearbook staffers always need to ask when they interview.
What is DPS?
The abbreviation for Double Page Spread
The unifying idea that has a visual and verbal element that holds the book together and creates structure for the story of the year
This spread is at the back of the book and finishes the story of the year and brings the book closure
The empty space around content, often separating or framing topics
White space
Often placed just below a headline, this form of writing offers deeper insight and information
This section highlights activities that take place in the lives of students in and outside of school
Student Life
The ability to mark photos with the names of the individuals who appear in them
Page-by-page planner and deadline tracker used to identify content, record deadlines, and track pages submitted and proofed
The largest photo on the page, must be strong or emotional action shot to catch the attention of the audience
Dominant photo
Short bits of info. that are provided on sidebars or as complimentary elements to the content on the page
Quick reads OR infographics
The heavy paper between the cover and the first and last pages is used to hold the signatures in the yearbook
This type of yearbook structure is typically composed of student life, sports, academics, clubs/orgs, and portraits
This spread introduces the theme and starts the book out on that note
Lines, tints, screens, and textures that help emphasize specific areas within designs
Pages that indicate new sections and provide continuity with the theme
The use of selected fonts to enhance the theme
The spine of the yearbook, where the left page meets the right page. We should avoid placing subjects of photos and text here
The unite of measurement in a yearbook. There are six of these units in an inch.
Introduce the reader to the page by summarizing the story of the page or highlighting its focus. Should use literary devices to be clever or eye-catching.
This grouping of 16 pages is printed on a large sheet of paper, folded, cut, and bound into a yearbook
Page of the yearbook that contains school name, publication name, volume number, year, address, and city/state
Title page