All in the family
It did not run in the family
They ought to be saints
Seeing someone

Best Hair. Most likely to become a florist. President of the good deeds club."Our Lord doe snot look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them."

Class of 1897

Who is St Therese of Lisieux?


Most likely to win a Nobel Peace Prixe. Co-President of the Missionaries Club. First place service hours award.

"I do not pray for success; I ask for faithfulness"

Class of 1997

Who is St 'Mother' Teresa of Calcutta?


Valedictorian, Most LIkely to start a odcast. President of the debate club. Most likely to have an FBI file.

"If you don't behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave"

Class of 1979

Who is Venerable Fulton J Sheen?


Most likely to pray the rosary every day. VP of the Marian Feast days club.

"We were burning in that light which is God and we were not consumed. What is God like? It is impossible to say." 

Class of 1919

Who is St. Francisco Marto?


Most likely to travel the world. Class Clown. MVP of the Skiing team. Most likely to become President 

"This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops. 

Class of 2005

Who is Pope St John Paul II?


Cutest Couple. Most likely to start her own business. VP of the little flower fan club. "We must dispose ourselves to accept generously the will of God. Whatever that may be. since that is always what is best for us."

Class of 1877

Who is St Zelle Martin?


Most likely to be a millionaire. President of teh entrepreneurship club. "If we wish to serve God and love our neighbor well, we must manifest our joy in the service we render to Him and them."

Class of 1955

Who is St. Katherine Drexel?


Most likely to beat you on Playstation. MVP of the soccer team. President of the computer programmers club.

"Our goal must be infinite, not the finite. The infinite is our homeland. Heaven has been waiting for us forever."

Class of 2006

Who is Blessed Carlo Acutis?


President of the Marian feast day club. Most likely to invite you to go to confession with her.

"Confession is a sacrament of Mercy and we must confess with joy and trust."

Class of 1920.

Who is St Jacinta Marto?


First chair violin in the school band. President of the gratitude club. Apiary association founder.

"Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger people." 

Class of 1957

Who is Blessed Solanus Casey?


Cutest Couple. Most likely to be on time. Most patient. President of the Little Flower Fan Club. "Yes, I have a goal, and it is to love God with all my heart."

Class of 1894

Who is St. Louis Martin?


Mr. Congeniality. President of the hiking club. Life of the Party. Most Athletic. "When God is with us, we don't have to be afraid of anything."

Class of 1925

Who is Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati?


President of the Altar Server Society. Most likely to attend college in Europe. Passion & Persistence Award.

"I shall work and pull at it as long as God gives me life."

Class of 1897

Who is Venerable Augustus Tolton?


Most likely to see her own Guardian Angel. President of the stigmata club, winner of the mystic award.

"There is a school in heaven, and there one has only to learn how to love."

Class of 1903

Who is St. Gemma Galgani?

President of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Society MVP of the Equestiran Club. "Long live Christ the King"

Class of 1928

Who is St Jose Sanchez Del Rio?


Best Multitasker. Mom of the friend group. Best dressed. Most likely to atten medical school.
"We must be living witnesses of the beauty and grandeur of Christianity"

Class of 1962

Who is St. Gianna Molla?


Best Problem solver. Co-president of the boating club. Co-president of the missionaries club.

"Let us keep close to Jesus because if we lose him, we have lost everything"

Class of 1917

Who is St Frances Xavier Cabrini?


Most likely to move to a foreign country. Most courageous.

"The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger. Pray for us that we may be a sign of the love of Christ for our people."

Class of 1981

Who is Blessed Stanley Rother?


Most likely to see visions of Jesus. President of the Divne Mercy Club. "Jesus, I trust in you" award.

"Love endues everthing , love is stronger than death; love fears nothing."

Class of 1938

Who  is St Faustina Kowalska?


MVP of the Tennis team. Best smile. Miss Congeniality. Focalare Club President.

"I care only about doing the will of God, doing it well, in the present moment.

Class of 1990.

Who is Blessed Chiara Badano?


Most likely to win a medal of Honor. Coolest Car. Hometown hero award.

"Jesus wished to show that the simple humble life is very pleasing to God."

Class of 1951

Who is Servant of God Emil Kapaun?


Most likely to become an author. President of the Philosophy club.

"When you seek truth, you seek God whether you know it or not."

Class of 1942.

Who is St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross?


Most likely to leave a random-act -of-kindness in your locker. President of the Sacred Heart Club.

"They are all God's Children"

Class of 1918

Who is Servant of God Julia Greeley?

Most likely to become a teacher & coach. Best dressed. Most likely to have a big family. President of the Ora Et Labora Club.

""God, into your hands receive my spirit. " 

Class of 1990

Who is Blessed Benedict Daswa?