Postwar Uncertainty
Worldwide Depression
Art and Music of the Times
Type of music invented in the 1920's that was a loose form of popular music created in the U.S.
What is jazz?
How did Sigmund Freud change the way people thought about the mind?
What is he said human behavior is irrational due to urges and desires buried in the unconscious mind?
Name of the German government after World War I.
What is the Weimar Republic?
Name one jazz artist who was popular during the 1920's.
Who was Cab Calloway?
Unusual tempos, style and even harsh music was also invented in this time. One composer from this period is...
Who is Igor Stravinsky?
Philosophy that showed that people lost faith in ideas of reason and progress. It says that each person must make meaning in a world that has no universal meaning.
What is existentialism?
Society from 1919 to 1939 began to challenge conventions of standard behavior. Name two ways in which women did this.
What is women wore shorter and looser clothes and many women began to work in new careers.
What were some reasons there there was such change in the governments in Europe?
What is there were many political parties in which no one party could rule? What is governments lasted for such short times it was hard to develop policies?
President of the United States during the depression.
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt? Also know as FDR.
Painter/sculptor who founded cubism which broke objects into geometric shapes.
Who is Pablo Picasso?
Scientists who developed the theory of relativity.
Who was Albert Einstein?
Pilot that flew alone across the Atlantic.
Who is Charles Lindbergh?
Explain why the postwar situation in Germany was bad.
What is Germany's Weimar Republic was weak. People had little loyalty to this government. Prices rose sharply and money lost its value.
What was the name of the U.S. program that was a reaction to the Great Depression?
What is the New Deal?
Author who wrote about the horrors of modern life. Often writing was a reaction to WWI.
Who was Franz Kafka?
Philosopher who influenced existentialism and said reason, democracy and progress are empty ideas.
Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?
Period of time when political, economic, social and scientific changes were radically changing after World War I.
What is 1919 to 1939?
Causes of the Great Depression
What are: overproduction of goods and people couldn't buy; purchases slowed, factory production slowed; food prices fell; slowing of food sales; farmers unable to repay loans and lost farms; stock prices fell -- market crashed.
The elements of the New Deal included these.
What is that the U.S. government spent large amounts of money on constructing roads, dams, bridges, airports and buildings. Businesses and farms also got help from the government, but recovery was slow.
Visual art movement that was dream like and not based in reality. Painters include Paul Klee and Salvador Dali.
What is surrealism?
Albert Einstein's ideas in physics that completely changed the scientific worlds ideas about space, time, matter and energy.
What is the theory of relativity?
Changes in technology that improved life.
What is cars became more affordable? What is growth in air travel? What is radio became popular; millions went to movie theaters?
Effects of the Great Depression.
What is other countries around the world were affected; other nations raised taxes on goods imported from other countries to increase sales of local companies; trade between nations dropped; unemployment in many countries shot up. There was economic suffering.
A government that creates temporary alliances of several political parties.
What is a coalition government?
Why did artists and painters create new surrealistic styles?
What is they were rebelling against traditional and realistic ideas of art?