What does yeast feed on in bread dough?
All ingredients mixed at once
What is the straight dough method
180-200 degrees
What is the internal temperature at which bread is fully baked
type of dough is used for a baguette
What is a straight dough
Taking a small ball of the dough and stretch it into a square. Keep on stretching until it becomes a thin film in the middle without breaking. The dough must be thin enough to pass light through it.
What is a windowpane test?
Carbon dioxide
What gas does yeast produce that makes dough rise?
It allows for pre-fermentation, improving flavor & texture
What’s the main purpose of the sponge method?
he rapid rise of dough in the oven due to heat & steam
What is oven spring?
Brioche or challah
What is an enriched dough
Dense and tight crumbed loaf
What is an under proofed loaf
Blooming yeast in water vs adding yeast to dry ingredients
What’s the difference between active dry and instant yeast?
It contains added fats, sugar, or dairy
What’s the key characteristic of enriched dough?
tapping the bottom of a loaf, if it sounds hollow, it's done
What is the "thump test"?
bread flour and all-purpose flour
What are two types of flour used in bread baking
Large air pockets in loaves
What is over-proofed or high hydrated bread?
Flour and water, fermented with wild yeast & bacteria
What is a sourdough Starter
bread-making technique that involves mixing flour and water, then letting the mixture rest before adding other ingredients
What is autolyse?
the process of making shallow cuts into the surface of bread dough before baking
What is scoring?
allowing gluten to relax before shaping
What is bench resting?
Carbon dioxide & alcohol
What are the two byproducts of yeast fermentation?
When a bread loaf collapses in the oven
What is overproofed