The thing FULI shoots in the jacket of FULi AUTO SHOOTER
What are bullets
The difficulty of Rrharil AT
What is 16.8
The collection which You are the Miserable is from
What is Lanota
The name of chapter 4
What is Sewer Maze
The number of notes in Convssion IN
What is 1000
Number of people found on the jacket of Bonus Time
What is three
The difficulty of Break Over IN
What is 14
The number of songs in the game (3.10.2)
What is 251
The name of Side Story Four
What is Animitta-Sabha
The number of notes in Pragmatism Ressurection IN
What is 999
The animal found on the Jacket of Rrharil that is still alive today
What are fish
The difficulty of HumaN IN
What is 12.9
The number of songs in Paradigm Reboot
What is 4
The name of the three MISC collections
What is Chapter EX, BassAreUs, Illustration
The number of notes in Artifical Existence IN
What is 800
The number of clocks found on the Jacket of Chronos Collapse - La Campabella
What is one
The difficulty of Winter Up Cube Down IN
What is 13.4
The number of collections with 3 songs
What is 6 - Hyun, Wavedash, 姜米條, Chunithm, Shinobi Slash, Takumi
The number of people on the jacket of the TEA 12 collection
What is 7
The lowest score you can possibly get on a chart right now that is greater than 0
What is 260
The two english words on the jacket of 云女孩
What is clouds and fruit
The difficulty of Credits AT
What is 15.5
The number of Single songs with difficulty of 14.0 - 14.9
What is 48
The number of stars on the Muse Dash Jacket
What is 5
The HD with the most notes
What is papipapipupipa