This nearby galaxy will eventually collide with the Milky Way, making one larger galaxy.
What is the Andromeda Galaxy?
Despite being the name of the creator, it's his creation that is more commonly associated with his name.
Who is Frankenstein?
Despite having several bodies of this large cephalopod, we hadn't seen this species on video until 2019.
What is the Giant Squid?
In Aztec mythology, this feathered serpent is the god of the sky.
Who is Quetzalcoatl?
This film is often regarded as the worst movie of all time. Ironically, the film about its creation is very well received.
What is The Room?
The Sun is this class of star, even if it's not the right color.
What is a Yellow Dwarf?
This foreign story is about a cursed video tape putting a week long death timer on whoever watches it.
What is The Ring?
This helmeted bird is considered the most dangerous bird on the planet.
What is the Cassowary?
Despite their name translating to "Heavenly Dog", this Japanese creature is often depicted with the traits of a bird.
What is a Tengu?
Despite sharing a name with one of the highest grossing movies of all time, this film has nothing to do with superheroes or shiny rocks.
What is The Avengers?
This planet rotates backwards when compared to other planets, has a very carbonic atmosphere, and can reach temperatures of over 900 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is Venus?
The Stanley Hotel in Colorado was a heavy inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in this Stephen King story.
What is The Shining?
This fish species has individuals that are thought to have lived for almost 400 years.
What is the Greenland Shark?
In Norse mythology, this fire giant is said to burn the earth after the battle of Ragnarok.
Who is Surtr?
This recent film is the lowest rated animated film of all time.
What is the Emoji Movie?
This celestial body is thought to have once been a moon of a nearby planet.
What is Pluto?
Arguably the most well known video game urban legend, this arcade cabinet is connected to mind control and the CIA.
What is Polybius?
This fungus is the largest terrestrial organism on the planet.
What is Honey Fungus?
In Egyptian mythology, this giant serpent attempts to eat Ra every night to end the world.
Who is Apophis?
Despite the original movie being one of the best received horror movies of all time, the sequels of this Spielberg franchise have never reached the bar it set.
What is Jaws?
This element, while incredibly rare on Earth, is quite common on asteroids.
What is Iridium?
Nicholas Cage stars in this film based on a Lovecraft story, where a meteorite crashes into a family's farm and begins to infect them.
What is The Color Out of Space?
Meaning "sleeping dragon", this Chinese dinosaur died and was fossilized in a sleeping position.
What is Mei long?
In Biblical myth, Behemoth is a representation of chaos on the land, while this creature represents chaos in the water.
What is the Leviathan?
Andy Warhol directed an 8 hour movie that was just a shot of this building.
What is the Empire State Building?