Types of Drugs
Alcohol Facts
Staff Trivia
Smoking and Vaping
Safe Sex

Use of this type of drug is common among teens and is consumed through chewing, smoking, or vaping

What is Nicotine (or Tobacco)


True or false: Alcohol has the same effect on everyone, making them talkative and funny.

What is false?


This staff member has had two Botflies living in her leg.

Who is Haley aka DJ Halestorm


True or False: E-cigs and vaping have been proven to be safer than traditional cigarettes

What is false?


This is what "STI" stands for.

What is Sexually Transmitted Infection?


This category of drug slows a person's reaction time, causes a short-term sense of well-being, and causes drowsiness. The most common example is alcohol, but others are barbiturates and benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium).

What is a depressant (or downer)?


Alcohol is taken into the body and effects how the user thinks and feels, so like marijuana and cocaine, it is this.

What is a drug?


Senior year of high was the first time this staff member attended public school.

Who is Esther?


Earlier this year, in an effort to help stop young people from getting addicted to nicotine, Walmart announced plans to stop celling tobacco products to people under this age

What is 21?


This method of practicing safe sex is a thin barrier often made of latex that is placed on the penis or in the vagina. 

What is a condom?


This type of drug increases the activity of the central nervous system and can be invigorating, but can also cause agitation, high blood pressure, muscle tremors, and long-term effects like weight loss, gastrointestinal problems, stroke, and seizure.

What are stimulants (or uppers)?


Alcohol effects the Central Nervous System, which is the spinal cord and this.

What is the brain?


He participated in the National Junior Olympic Track and Field meet in Los Angeles when he was in High School.

Who is Ethan?


Studies show that _____ out of 10 current tobacco users started before they were 18 years old.

What is 9?


This sexually transmitted infection involves genital pain and sores. It can be controlled with medication but not cured.

What is Herpes?


Drugs of this category are derived from the poppy plant and are effective at pain reduction while carrying a high risk of addiction.

What are opioids?


"Binge drinking" can be dangerous, especially for young people. It involves drinking 4 or more drinks in 2 hours for females, and this many drinks in 2 hours for males.

What is 5?


This staff member used to be a police officer.

Who is Trent?


Nicotine addicts begin experiencing symptoms of withdrawal when they don't smoke or vape for a while - sometimes after only a few hours. This is one symptom.

What irritability, agitation, fatigue, headache, sleeplessness, or difficulty concentrating?


This form of safe sex prevents pregnancy but not sexually transmitted infections and comes in the form of a pill, implant, or patch.

What is birth control?


Cocaine, Crystal Meth, and Ecstacy belong to this category of drug - but so does caffeine from pop and coffee.

What are stimulants?


"One drink" is about 14 grams of alcohol, which can be a 5 ounce glass of wine, a 1.5 ounce shot of hard liquor, or this many ounces of beer.

What is 12?


This staff member makes balloon animals in her spare time.

Who is Tellie?


The second leading cause of death in the United States

What is Tabaco use?


This percentage of teens report being sexually active

What is 40%?