Name three types of dairy
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese
How many cups of fruit should the average elementary school student consume per day?
1-2 cups per day
There are two types of grains: Refined and Whole. Which type of grain is better for you?
Whole grain is healthier for you and should be half of all the grains you consume
How many ounces of protein should the average elementary school student consume per day?
3-7 ounces per day depending on the child
Are humans omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore?
How many cups dairy should the average elementary school student consume per day?
2-3 cups per day
How many cups of veggies should the average elementary school student consume per day?
2-4 cups per day
Write down three examples of grains
Bread, Rice Popcorn, etc.
What is the healthiest most sustainable meat?
How much sugar should the average elementary school student consume per day?
none, absolutely 0 sugar
In order to consume less saturated fat, you should drink this type of milk instead of whole milk
Low-fat or Fat-free milk
How much of your plate should be fruits/vegetables
How many ounces grains should the average elementary school student consume per day?
2.5-5 ounces per day
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast eats 5 dozens of these in order to be roughly the size of a barn
Write down a change you're going to make in your habits to become healthier
As long as you took this question seriously, you get points
This element, whose symbol is Ca, is needed to keep bones healthy and strong
This is the only fruit with seeds on the outside
Foods rich in starch such as pasta and bread are often known by what word starting with the letter C
Name 3 vegetarian alternatives to meat
beans, peas, and lentils, nuts, seeds, and soy products
Do 100 jumping jacks
points to all the teams that did it!
If you don't drink enough milk, when you are an adult you will be inflicted by this health condition
Osteoporosis (your bones become super weak and brittle and break easily)
This is a healthy fat containing fruit that is used as the base of guacamole
This grain-like food is grown principally in the Andes Mountains, is high in protein and is a great source of B vitamins and fiber
You should try to consume at least 8 ounces of this type of protein in order to have a healthy brain, heart and muscles
Close you eyes and meditate for 1 minute. If you make a sound or fool around during this meditation time, you will not get points
Congrats to everyone who meditated for 1 minutes!