How many students are allowed in the bathroom at once?
There is one child per stall, and each child is ensured in their stall.
What is the adult-to-student ratio for Early Childhood school programs under the YMCA standards?
1:5 (Under 2 Years)
1:6 (2 Years to Under 3 Years)
1:10 (3 Years to Under 4 Years)
1:12 (4 Years to Under 5 Years)
How many students total attend your EC program?
EC: 133 Total
Pre-K: 36
3K: 45
Infants and Toddlers: 52
Within what time frame do you need to submit an incident report?
Immediately while the incident is still fresh in your mind, supervisors have to submit it within 24 hours and it requires your account of the incident to complete.
In order to provide emergency medical care to a student in need, you need what certification?
CPR and First Aid Certification (Valid for 1 Year Only)
True or False: If there are no students around adults are allowed to use student bathrooms.
False: Adults have designated bathrooms in the school building. Students' bathrooms are for students ONLY.
What is the maximum number of students and minimum number of teachers each group can have?
Name two of the most common times when incidents happen at YMCA programs.
Sign In and Sign Out
Mondays and Fridays
Beginning of the Year and End of the Year
What are 3 commonly reported incidents?
Injuries involving blood, bruises, and marks.
Behavior incidents where a child verbally or physically harms another student.
Any injuries involving a child's head, back, or neck, regardless of any physical marks.
A lost or missing child.
A child leaving your group.
What are three ways we can prevent emergencies in our YMCA programs?
• Be on time
• Be in ratio
• No distractions
• Sign in & sign out
• Know your building
• Speak up and communicate incidents
• Participants are always within sight and sound
• Keep kids in age-appropriate groups
• Engage kids in structured activities
• Engage all the kids all the time
• Get to know your kids
• Keep your first aid kit stocked (including a bag valve mask)
• Attend training
True or False: Students are allowed to use any bathroom they feel comfortable using as with the gender they identify as.
Transgender and gender expansive students must be provided access to facilities (restrooms, locker rooms, or changing rooms) consistent with their gender identity asserted at school. A transgender or gender expansive student may not be required to use an alternative facility (e.g., a single-occupancy restroom instead of the locker room) or a facility that conflicts with the student’s gender identity asserted at school. For students who are gender fluid, the school should work with the student to facilitate restroom and locker room access that affirms their identity.
Schools must provide reasonable alternative arrangements for any student who expresses a need or desire for increased privacy. Reasonable alternative arrangements may include a single occupancy restroom, use of a private area, or a separate changing schedule. Alternative arrangements must be made available to students who request them, but must never be forced upon students, nor presented as the only option. Furthermore, any arrangements must be provided in a non-stigmatizing manner that protects student privacy and is not marginalizing or disruptive for the student.
What under NYS DOHMH state regulations count as effective supervision of children?
Students must be supervised by an OCFS-cleared staff member and must be within sight and sound of the adult at all times.
What percentages of all incidents that are reported yearly at the YMCA happen during youth programs?
30% of all incidents reported yearly are from after-school, EC, and summer camp. (60% combined!)
What are the first two steps when you notice a child is missing?
Notify leadership immediately and begin a quick search.
What are 5 activities that are banned for YMCA programs?
• Dodge Ball
• Climbing on Monkey Bars
• Water guns, paintball, laser tag
• Archery
• Boxing
• Arcades
• Amusement parks
• Trampolines
• Traveling in staff members’ vehicles
When traveling to the bathroom, how many students are to go with the counselor?
At least 3 students must go with the staff member to the bathroom and additional students must be taken to not leave the group out of ratio.
EC ratios are:
1:5 Under 2 Years
1:6 2 Years to Under 3
1:10 3 Years to Under 4
1:12 4 Years to Under 5
When should we take attendance and face-to-name counts?
Arrival and during transition times.
When arriving in a room and checking in with teachers.
During dismissal.
What percentage of our student population has an Individualized Education Plan or receive services?
10% - 15% of students at EC
What are the two transitional periods in which most incidents happen?
Bathroom Trips (Assualts and Abuse) and Transitions from One Space to Another Space (Lost Child)
What are the two most common medical conditions that require documentation from parents and a child to self-administer treatment when needed?
Asthma and Allergies (Require Asthma Inhaler/Pump and Epi-Pen)
What are the YMCA bathroom procedures for bathroom trips with students?
Always escort at least 3 students at a time. Check the bathroom and make sure no one is inside. Students use the bathroom in their own stall. A staff member is at the bathroom door with one foot inside the bathroom and one foot outside. Students wait in the hallway against the wall where staff can maintain supervision.
What are the adult-to-student ratios for leaving the school building?
They are the same as indoor ratios.
What is the danger in unstructured activities?
No rules means no control. No structure means no limits. They are more likely to involve aggressive behavior, even if unintentional. Aggressive, unstructured activities lead to more serious injuries. If participants are not engaged, they will find their own fun!
You witness staff from another organization located at your site touching a 4-year-old student in an inappropriate, seemingly sexual manner. What do you do?
Step in before anything further happens. Notify your supervisor. Call the Statewide Central Register (SCR).
Name all the items that are required in your first aid kit.
Bandages, Band-Aids, Sterile gauze pads, Roller bandages, Triangular bandages, Pocket face mask, Ice packs, Flashlight, Medical scissors, Bag Valve Mask.