Meanings for Future Tense
Wild Card
The baby's middle name will be Wait For It...
What is El segundo nombre del bebé se Espera ...
Conjugate and translate: They will kill little Jimmy.
What is Mataran pequeno Jimmy.
How many irregular future tense irregular verbs are there?
What is 10
What are the two meanings of future tense verbs?
What is to tell something will happen in the future or to "wonder" or say "probably"
True or False: The future tense only refers to what will happen in the future.
What is false (it can also mean someone is "wondering" something or is saying "probably")
Boys will be feckless aliens.
What is Los chicos siempre serán extranjeros irresponsables.
Will Professor Utonium be able to make the perfect little girls? (irregular)
What is Utonio profesor será capaz de hare las niñas perfectas?
Name 4 irregular future tense verbs
What is (For Example) decir, poner, poder, saber
Write a sentence using the future tense about someone "wondering" about something or someone "probably" doing something..
What is (for example) Estará viajando solo
Translate the sentence into Spanish: She will receive an award tomorrow afternoon.
What is Ella recibirá un premio mañana por la tarde.
The hulk, when angered, will be pithed.
What is El Hulk cuando se enoja se amedular.
Will Bob the builder be able to fix it? Yes he will!
What is Bob el constructor podrá arreglare? Sí lo hará!
Conjugate 3 irregular future tense verbs for all six subjects
What is (For example) DECIR: dire, diras, dira, diremos, direis, diran, PONER: pondre, pondras, pondra, pondremos, pondreis, pondran, PODER: podre, podras, podra, podremos, podreis, podran, SABER: sabre, sabras, sabra, sabremos, sabreis, sabran
What does this sentence mean in English? - ¿Quieres ir a la tienda?
What is Will you go to the store?
Conjugate 5 regular verbs in the future tense, in the "Vosotros" form.
What is (for example) escribireis, escuchareis, mirareis, servireis, leereis
The contumacious child will scream when her toys are removed.
What is El hijo contumaz a gritar cuando sus juguetes son retirados.
What are the errors with this conjugation: Yo- leere, tu- leeras, el/ella- leera, nsotros- leeremos, vosotros- leereis, ellos/ellas- leeran
What is there aren't accents over all the endings other than nosotros
Write a tiny paragraph using 3 different irregular future tense verbs
What is (for example) La niña saldrá de la fiesta a las seis. Ella dirá adiós a sus amigos. Ella tendrá su bolso.
Create a sentence about a girl at a party using the future tense of a verb (in Spanish).
What is (for example) She will laugh at the party. Ella se reirá de la fiesta.
What is are two characteristics that make the future tense different form any other tense we have studied?
What is you leave the verb in the infinitive form before adding the ending, and both -ar and -er/ir verbs have the same endings
The theater will be obstreperous during the play.
What is El teatro será estrepitoso durante el juego.
The girl and her twin sister will destroy the minds of people who only think one of them exist.
What is La niña y su hermana gemela destruiran las mentes de las personas que solo piensan en uno de ellos existe.
Name all 10 irregular future verbs and conjugate them in the "Yo" form.
What is Dire, Hare, Pondre, Saldre, Tendre, Vendre, Habre, Podre, Querre, Sabre (With accents over each ending "e")
Write 4 sentences using future verbs, two about "wondering" what will happen and two just about what will happen in the future
What is (for example) Harán cookies. Ellos dirán "Feliz cumpleaños!" ¿Quién será ella? Estará en casa.
Name all the errors with this conjugation: ESCUCHAR: Yo- escuche, tu- escucharas, ella/el- escuche, nosotros- escucharamos, vosotros- escuchareis, ellos/ellas- escucharen
What is the yo form is missing the -ar before the "e", the ella/el form was missing the -ar as well as an "a" at the end instead of an "e", nosotros form should have had an -emos at the end instead of -amos, and everything was missing accents