Piaget stage: Children begin to understand the concept of conservation; understanding that, although things may change in appearance, certain properties remain the same. Become less egocentric.
What is concrete operational?
Approximately 12-18 years
What is the age of adolescent?
The thumb pushes against the side of the index finger to secure an object.
What is lateral pinch?
What is a catheter bag?
Teaching child the first step and then once they learn that you teach them second step.
What is forward chaining?
Name the theorist: If basic needs are met, a person can move up to higher levels of thinking and fulfilment towards self-actualization
Who is Maslow?
Identity state where adolescent avoids or ignores the task of exploring his/her identity and has little interest in exploring options
What is identity diffusion?
Ability to move an object in a linear manner with the fingertips
What is shift?
Tool to measure oxygen
What is an oximeter
Type of Parenting Style: low in support and high in demandingness. These parents expect and demand obedience because they are “in charge” and they do not provide any explanations for their orders.
What is authoritarian?
Kohlbergs stage: At this level an individual obeys rules and follows society's norms even when there are no consequences for obedience or disobedience. Adherence to rules and conventions is somewhat rigid, however, and a rule's appropriateness or fairness is seldom questioned
What is the conventional stage?
Giving specific feedback
selecting activities to match abilities
be consistent and use repetition
What are strategies when working with adolescents?
Order of cutting that we studied
What is snipping, small straight line, cutting on line, changing directions/curves, and shapes
Normal Blood Pressure and Normal 02
What is 120/80 and 95-100%
Type of parenting Style: Children reared by parents who are low in both support and demandingness tend to rank lowest across all life domains, lack self-control, have low self-esteem, and are less competent than their peers.
What is neglectful?
Erikson's stage: Toddlers learn to control will and do things for themselves
What is autonomy vs shame/doubt?
What Erikson stage are adolescents in when they face questions that aren’t easy to answer: “Who am I?”, “What do I want to work as?”, “How do I fit into society?” On their journey to self, most adolescents will explore different roles and ideas.
What is identity vs confusion?
Visual-Perceptual concept where a child is able to find something on the shelf among all the other items
What is Figure-ground?
12-16 breaths per minute
60-100 Beats per minute
What is Respiratory Rate in Adults and normal heart rate
Age when able to put on clothing knowing right from wrong side, tie shoes, zip pants
What is a expected of a 4 year old?
Frame of Reference: Having to do with normal tone and the "feeling" of normal and that the presence of normal postural reflex mechanisms is fundamental to a motor skill's performance
What is Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)?
Personal identity where adolescent open explores alternatives, strives for autonomy and tries out different ideas.
What is identity moratorium?
To look for symmetry
To check for possible CNS damage
Assist in determining developmental age
Why do we check for reflexes?
A form of low blood pressure that happens when standing after sitting or lying down
Orthostatic Hypotension
In weeks, the chronological age of a child born at 30 weeks gestation. He currently is 9 months old 7 days old.
What is 37 weeks?