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Why does the Lamassu have some many legs? 

You win a Lamassu for your museum collection!


What is unusual about the Findspot of the cave painting that shows a boar, a stick figure man, and a disemboweled buffalo? 

It's in a deep well shaft that you can't easily access.

You win a replica fragment of the cave painting for your museum! 


What is this statue called? 

Kouros statue

Your museum gets a Kouros statue!!


The complex and extensive plan of the palace at Knossos gave rise to which Grecian myth? 

Minotaur in the labyrinth. 

Your museum puts on a Halloween event called FACE The MINOTAUR.


Stonehedge is an example of what type of doorway?

Post and Lintel!

Your museum hosts a spring equinox live stream event of Stonehenge. 


What kind period does this krater come from? 


Your museum gets a Geometric Krater for their permanent collection! 


What type of people were the Greeks trying to depict in this image? 

Dying Gaul

Your museum gets the Dying Gaul on loan!


What type of masonry (stonework) is it called when the ancient people of Mycenae had large boulders used to create their citadels? 


Your museum creates an interactive citadel in the sculpture garden that people can explore! 


The Mortuary Temple at Deir el-Bahri was dedicated to which woman pharaoh? 


Your museum gets a funerary vessel from the site on loan! 


What were the materials that the Chryselephantine statue of Athena made from? 

Gold and Ivory. 

Your museum gets the Athena statue of the Nashville museum on loan.


Which Kingdom was the  Head of Senusret III made? 

The Middle Kingdom!

Your Museum gets a grant to help restore the right ear on the statue! This gets you a magazine article and your museum gains over 100 new memberships! 


True of False: The capitals on the Colosseum are all Corinthian? 


Your museum gets to host a chariot race! 


What was the purpose of imperial portrait statutes? 

To mold public opinion.

Your new museum director thinks it's a great idea to build a 10-foot imperial portrait of himself for the museum. It gets horrible publicity. You fire him and loose 300 points.  

Which two ancient cultures drew the face from the side in profile with a large eye? 

Mesopotamia and Egypt

Your museum gets to be a stop on the Large Eyed Ancient Art Tour! 


The Mycenaean practice of placing a death mask over the deceased face is reminiscent of which group? 

The Egyptians

Your museum gets a partnership with the Egyptian Museum and gets to have exchange researchers come for the summer!!  


Where is the temple of Ramses the 2nd located? 

Abu Simbel

Your museum's membership trip this year is to Abu Simbel thanks to a grant!  


Who was the first Christian Roman Emperor?


You get a Constantine Coin for your museum's permanent collection!


What materials were used in the construction of the Ishtar Gate?

Mudbrick and blue-gazed tile.

Your museum gets the local high school to make an Ishtar Gate out of Carboard 


The Battle of Issues Mosaic is from what ancient culture? 


Your museum gets to host this on loan for the upcoming exhibition! 


True of False: Women in Greek Art most often were clothed while statues of men are often nude.


Your museum gets to host a Ancient Greek Fashion show! 


The Bull-Leaping Fresco from the Palace of Knossos was from what ancient culture? 


You host a bull-leaping acrobatic event! Your members and visitors can see a really acrobat fly over a bull! 

The new androgynous image of the pharaoh Akhenaton is considered an attempt to make him the manifestation of which Egyptian God? 

The Sun Disk Aton.

Your museums gains an actual sun disk aton artifact! 


What is the term that describes the identifying objects or garments accompanying saints and other figures to identify them to the viewer? 


Your museum creates a saints exhibition! 


What is a Rhyton? 

A conical pour vessel. 

Your museum gets a rhyton! 


Who was the popular subject in Early Christian art because he was the prefiguration of Christ? (hint whale) 


Your museum thinks it a great idea to make a large animatronic whale that "eats visitors" it scares so many kids that you lose a bunch of Family memberships. Loose 500 points.