French Revolution Terms/Events
French Revolution People
Industrial Revolution Terms/Events
Industrial Revolution People/Inventions

A revolution is defined as a sudden, radical, or complete this.

What is change?


This occurred in July 1789 when a Parisian mob became angry about the lack of progress being made.

What is the storming of the Bastille Prison?


He was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French specific.

Who is King Louis XVI (16th)?


This is the desire of people to buy a certain good or product.

What is demand?


He was nicknamed 'Turnip' as he found that planting crops in rotation could re-energize the soil's nutrients.

Who is Lord Townshed?


The Estate System divided these 3 groups of people into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates. 

Who are the Clergy, the Nobility/Aristocracy, and the Commoners/peasants?


This included representatives from the 3 French social levels and met only by royal command.

What is the Estates General?


She is credited as having said "Let them eat cake," demonstrating a lack of understanding about the problems occurring for the people in France.

Who is Queen Marie Antoinette?


These are people who wish to change the character of society?

Who are Social Reformers?


Eli Whitney invented this machine, which easily separated cotton fibers from their seeds.

What is the Cotton Gin?


Police brutality, inequality, famine, and political instability are all examples of these.

What are reasons that lead to revolution or rebellion?


Inflation made which essential commodity very expensive in Franch in the late 18th century, which, in turn, caused a shortage of bread.

What is flour?


This group made up 98% of the population in France, but still only received one vote in the Estates General.

Who is the Third Estate/the commoners/peasantry?


Capital, raw materials, and a labour supply are all examples of these.

What are essential elements for industrialization?


Transportation in the early Industrial Revolution experience its most important advance with the development of this.

What are steam powered locomotives/railways?


This band sang a controversial song about revolutions...don't you know it's gonna be alright.

Who are the Beatles?


Women marched to this place to protest the price of bread and to get the King and Queen to return to Paris.

What is Versailles?


He was a French political theorist, known for his radical views shared through pamphlets and for his skin disease that kept him constrained to a bathtub.

Who is Jean-Paul Marat?


Britain had an abundance of this resource.

What is coal?


This invention allowed for one weaver to operate a large loom alone and use much wider fabrics.

What is the Flying Shuttle?


This person held absolute power in France before the French Revolution.

Who is the King/Who is King Louis XVI?


This was a pledge made by the National Assembly that vowed "not to separate and to reassemble wherever necessary until the Constitution of the kingdom is established."

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


He was the revolutionary, radical leader who controlled France during the Reign of Terror.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


This economic system allowed industry to boom as it assured minimal government regulation in business.

What is laissez faire?


He invented this in 1764, which allowed a number of threads to be spun off at the same time (inventor and invention)

Who is James Hargreaves and the Spinning Jenny?