Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment, Pt. 1
Enlightenment, Pt. 2
French Revolution, Pt. 1
French Revolution, Pt. 2
The official Greek name of Aristotle and Ptolemy's view of the universe.
What is geocentric?
Thomas Hobbes' concept that a government is created by an agreement from the people, in which they gain law and order in exchange for the sacrifice of some of their rights.
What is a social contract?
Author of the "Encyclopedia"
Who is Diderot?
These people made up the First Estate.
What is the clergy?
Nobles and other prominent Frenchpeople who fled France during the Revolution.
What are emigres?
Author of "On the Structure of the Human Body", proved earlier scientists wrong by studying the actual human body, as opposed to pigs and other animals.
Who is Andreas Vesalius?
According to this Enlightenment thinker, all men are born free and equal, with three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and property.
Who is John Locke?
Artistic, neoclassical style characterized by ornate design.
What is Baroque?
The famous pledge of Third Estate delegates to the Estates General in 1789, which sought to create a new National Assembly to represent most of the French people.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
Jacobin leader of the Committee for Public Safety, brought about drastic and short-lived change to France before his eventual (and inevitable?) execution in 1794.
Who is Maxmilien Robespierre?
This law explains how volume, temperature and the pressure of gas affect each other.
What is Boyle's Law?
The five core concepts of this group were: 1.)Reason 2.)Nature 3.)Happiness 4.)Progress 5.) Liberty
Who are the philosophes?
Frederick the Great of Prussia, Joseph II of Austria, and Catherine the Great of Russia were all influenced in their rule by the Enlightenment, and are formally known as:
What are Enlightened Despots?
The French "Estate" system is usually known by this name:
What is the Old or Anciens Regime?
Period lasting from 1793-1795, which saw the execution of over 40,000 French citizens, largely characterized by extreme mutual watchfulness, score-settling and paranoia.
What is the Reign of Terror?
Author of the "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", postulated, among other things, that every object in the universe attracts every other object.
Who is Isaac Newton?
He said it: "I do not agree with a word you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."
Who is Voltaire?
Large drawing rooms that became the meeting places of many great minds of the Enlightenment.
What is the salon?
In what estate would you categorize the bourgeoisie?
What is the Third Estate?
Editor and primary author of the "L'Ami du Peuple", loud and fiery advocate for the removal of Louis XVI and all of his supporters.
Who is Jean-Paul Marat?
He relied on mathematics and logic to solve the world's problems - "I think, therefore I am"
Who is Rene Descartes?
Italian philosophe who addressed the dire need for criminal justice reform.
Who is Cesare Beccarria?
Haydn, Beethoven, and Mozart were all great musicians from what city?
What is Vienna?
Slogan of the French Revolution:
What is "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"?
Almost exclusively comprised of members of the lower Third Estate, "those without knee britches", advocated for extreme change in France at all costs.
Who are the sans-culottes?