Silence, Letters!
Could I Get Your Number?
Places, Everyone, Places!
Fairy Tails
Speaking My Slanguage

A hero, often found in shining armor

What is a Knight?


This highly covert facility was almost stormed in 2019 due to a Facebook Event that blew up.

What is Area 51?


A world created by a lion in which animals talk and magic flourishes, accessed by a peculiar wardrobe.

What is Narnia?

This creature is mentioned in the Bible and is known to hoard gold and kidnap princesses.

What is a Dragon?


Used to describe one who excelled at a task, despite being away from the dinner table.

What is Ate?


This hideous lawn decoration is often told to be the guardian of Earth's treasures underground.

What is a Gnome?


Reminiscent of the score of Pastor and Mikey's pickleball game, this code on the radio conveys acknowledgment.

What is 10-4?


This once glorious city has become sunken ruins; waiting to be discovered in the vast sea.

What is Atlantis?


Named after the location it was spotted in, this creature's head towers above the water as it swims.

What is the Loch Ness Monster?


A phrase used to describe the vibe of something by mentioning another thing.

What is "it's giving..."?

A loud roar from the ocean precedes this large phenomenon, coercing people to find high ground

What is Tsunami?


Although written in stone, these Laws were immediately broken after a walk down the mountain.

What are the 10 Commandments?


Covered in verdant stone, this is the housing and training grounds of the Furious Five

What is the Jade Palace?


This snake-like monster has no issue taking the problem head-on, it'll just grow another one.

What is The Hydra?


A phrase spoken in first-person-plural that shows support or agreement or in sarcasm.

What is "We love that"?


A beautiful and ancient mixtape that is known globally with 150 tracks.

What is Psalms?


Referring to standard burial procedure, this phrase can be used as a threat or to describe death amiably.

What is 6 Feet Under?


Protected by the deep jungle, this African nation excelled in technology due to a precious meteorite metal.

What is Wakanda?


This creature is known to burst into flame at the end of its life, only to reemerge once again from the ashes.

What is a Phoenix?


Used to describe something that has positively affected you in a way that nothing has ever done before.

What is "Hits Different"?


These bite-sized appetizers seem to have taken on more letters than needed; typical for French words.

What is Hors d'Oeuvre?


Also a professional E-sports company, this phrase expresses a state of great joy and euphoria.

What is Cloud 9?


Meaning "place of the skull", this hill was where It was finished!

What is Golgotha / Calvary?


Spirits of nature that delight in tricking and pranking humans by striking deals with them.

What are The Fae / Faeries?


Refusing to reveal information about a matter to keep it hidden and solely for yourself.

What is Gate Keeping?