Marine Corps History
Young Marines History
First Aid
Field Skills

What is the birthdate of the Marine Corps?

November 10, 1775


What is the name of our National Anthem?

The Star Spangled Banner


When and where was the Young Marines Program formed? 

1. 1959 

2. Waterbury, CT


What do you do before you begin first aid to someone?

1. Make sure the scene is safe for you to attempt first aid.

2. Assess the victim 

- Is the victim breathing?

- Is the victim's heart beating?

- Is there severe bleeding?

- Is there evidence of poisoning? 


What is minimum impact camping?

The goal of minimum impact camping is to leave behind no trace that you have used or passed through a wilderness area. You always want to:

- Clean up after yourself. Any garbage you bring in, you must bring up?

- Keep noise and lights at a minimum and try not to damage trees or plants

- Respect all private property, local residences, and privacy of other wilderness users


Where is the birthplace of the Marine Corps?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at a place called Tun Tavern. 

Who sewed the first American flag?

Betsy Ross


When was the official charter of the Young Marines?

October 17, 1965

What are the symptoms of shock?

- Cold and clammy skin

- Blue and pale skin

- Chills 

- Confusion 

- Frequent nausea or vomiting 

- Shallow breathing 


What do you do if you confront a bear?

If a bear tries to confront or attack you, face the animal and back away slowly and make noise, like shouting or clapping your hands. Also, try to make yourself look big and tall. You can't outrun or out-climb a bear so do not try. 

Carrying bear repellent spray (or other deterrent) for use only as a last resort. 

Obviously do not feed a bear or startle one for any reason. Bears also have a really strong sense of smell so try not to wear perfume or strong scented sun screen when out in the wilderness. Camping and cooking with strong scented foods such as bacon and fish could also attract bears. 


Who gave the Marines the nickname "devil dogs"?

The Germans during the battle of Belleau Wood during World War I. This was because the Marines fought with such ferocity.


The first stars and stripes was created by the Continental Congress on which day?

June 14, 1777 (also known as Flag Day)


When was membership of the Young Marines extended to females?

In 1975


What is the "Good Samaritan" law?

The law gives legal protection to individuals who act in good faith and are not guilty of willful misconduct or negligence. 


What months are poisonous snakes most commonly seen in the U.S.  

Warm months (May to September) 


Why are Marines called "Leathernecks"?

The Marines wore a black leather stock, or collar, from 1798 to 1880. According to tradition, the stock was worn to protect the jugular vein from a slash of a saber or cutlass.  


When and where did Francis Scott Key write the National Anthem?

1. 1814 during the War of 1812

2. Fort McHenry in Maryland 


When did the Marine Corps officially recognize the Young Marines Program for its efforts in Drug Demand Reduction?



What does ABC stand for?

Airway, Breathing, Circulation


What does the acronym "COLD" stand for?

C-clean clothes breathe and insulate better

O- avoid overheating by ventilating 

L- dress in loose layers

D- stay dry 


How did the first verse of the Marine Corps Hymn originate? 

During the war with Mexico, General Scott and a battalion of Marines marched to the National Palace, the Halls of Montezuma. This feat or accomplishment is the first verse of the Marine Hymn? 


No other flag may be flown above the Stars and Stripes, except:

1. The United Nations flag at UN Headquarters.

2. The Church Pennant during Church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea. This flag is a dark blue cross on a white background.


When and where was the first Young Marine unit formed outside of the country? 

1. 1995 

2. Okinawa, Japan


What are the three different types of bleeding? 

- Arterial

- Venial

- Capillary


What does the acronym "STOP" mean in an emergency?

S-stop where you are! Many people waste valuable energy, and risk injury by panicking-running aimlessly, continuing to travel after dark, walking in circles, etc.

T-think about immediate future and dangers and the factors involved in your situation. Consider the time of day, your physical condition, and the last time you had a drink or something to eat. Try to list the options that are open to you. 

Observe- observe your immediate environment, weather, terrain, and resources available and how each of these affects your options. Look for a location for a shelter, for fresh drinking water, and for clues to your location or the route you took to get where you are now. 

Plan-plan your best course of action. Include in your plan methods you will use to signal rescuers.