This is the month that Red Ribbon week is recognized.
What is October?
This socially acceptable act causes COPD and Cancer.
What is Cigarette smoking?
This plant is where cocaine comes from.
What is the Coca plant?
True or False: Teasing, Name-calling, Taunting, Threatening to cause harm are types of bullying.
What is True?
Model Airplane Glue, Rubber Cement, and Household Glue are examples of this type of inhalant.
What are Adhesives?
This man is our motivation during Red Ribbon week.
Who is Kiki Camarena?
This addictive habit can involve hops, grapes or wheat that is distilled.
What is drinking alcohol?
True or False: Cocaine was used in Coca-cola before 1906.
What is True?
This type of bullying includes Hitting/kicking/pinching or Spitting.
What is physical bullying?
Spray Paint, Hairspray, Air Freshener, Deodorant, and Fabric Protector are examples of this type of Inhalant.
What are Aerosols?
This branch of law enforcement is responsible for national and international Drug enforcement.
What is the DEA?
While this is legal in many states, it is still against Federal law.
What is marijuana?
Stimulants do this to your heart rate.
What is increase it?
True or False: Bullies often were bullied themselves and can have drug addictions.
What is True?
Inhalants all act on the body in this time frame.
What is immediately?
This is the number of presentations that must be given by a YM for the DDR Devise?
What is four?
This common drug can be purchased at 7-11, or Starbucks.
What is caffeine? This is a highly addictive drug.
Amphetamines were prescribed for this medical condition.
What is Narcolepsy?
True or False: If someone is being a bully and you expose or tell on them, you are a snitch.
What is False? You do not owe the bully anything.
During the years 1961 to 1965 this was being "sniffed" in epidemic portions?
What is Glue?
This is the highest DDR award a YM unit can receive.
What is the Fulcrum Award?
This type of drug addiction is often started by Physicians for injuries.
What are opioids or narcotics?
These doctors used cocaine for an anesthesia.
Who is Sigmund Freud or Carl Koller?
True or False: The Young Marines Creed applies if you are being bullied.
What is True? #5 Having self-discipline will enable me to control by body and mind in case of an emergency.
This method of using stimulants is easy to see with a Golden face.
What is huffing? Silver and gold spray paint are particularly popular among inhalant abusers.