Young Adults
Middle Adults
Older Adults

What age is a young adult?

late teens and the mid-to-late 30s
(18 to 40 years old)


What is the age range for "middle adults"?

40-65 years old


What age category would an older be in? 

65-70 years old


What health considerations does the nurse need to keep in mind when caring for someone in this age group (psychosocial)?

Psychosocial considerations may involve identity formation, relationships, and career development. Assessments and interventions may include regular screenings for sexually transmitted infections, promoting healthy lifestyle choices such as exercise and nutrition, and providing counseling or support for mental health issues.


What percentage of adults go through a midlife crisis?

10-30% of adults


True or False, alcohol and substance abuse are issues with older adults?



What health considerations does the nurse need to keep in mind when caring for someone in this age group (physical)?

Physical considerations may include reproductive health, substance abuse prevention, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


What percentage of adults in the US have a chronic health condition?

Nearly half of the adults in the US have a chronic health condition. (CDC)


What are some stereotypes about this age group?

- they are weak/feeble

- they have more wisdom 

- they are emotionally incompetent


 How can we assess to prevent common age-associated risk factors?

Nurses can assess these risks through comprehensive health screenings, education on safe practices, and providing resources for healthier alternatives.


What health considerations do nurses need to keep in mind when caring for someone in this age group? (psychosocial)

Job insecurity (expenses/debts due to children, growing healthcare costs), family responsibilities (caregiving for both children and aging parents), and adjusting to changes in physical appearance or abilities


Identify some potential psychosocial changes in this age group 

- dementia 

- depression/anxiety 

- short-term memory 


How can we intervene to prevent common age-associated risk factors?

Interventions may include counseling, education on risk reduction strategies, and connecting individuals with support groups or community resources.


What health considerations do nurses need to keep in mind when caring for someone in this age group? (physical)

Chronic disease management, cognitive declines, menopause or andropause symptoms, and preventative care screenings.


What percentage of older people binge alcohol? 
