Miracles Nephites saw when Jesus was born
3 Nephi 1:19-21
3 Nephi 1-7
Good Cheer
3 Nephi 1:1-23
Being Disciples
3 Nephi 5:13

How many days of light were there in a row when Jesus was born?

3 days


3 Nephi 1:5-11

Name 2 things that weaken conversion from Jesus 

1. Not believing prophets

2. Making fun of people trying to be righteous


3 Nephi 1:20-23

After the unbelievers gave a due date for killing the believers if Jesus didn’t show up, Nephi cried mightily to his God asking for help. What was the answer to his prayer? And what can we learn from Nephi?

3 Nephi 1:13

The voice of the Lord came unto him, saying: “Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world…”

We can learn that we should pray to God when we are afraid and He will help us.


3 Nephi 5:22

What did the people who were disciples of Jesus Christ do?

They kept the commandments.


True or False?

The sun did not rise the next day as it normally would.

False. The sun did rise as it normally would. But it stayed light at night when it went down.


3 Nephi 1:29-30

Why was the Lamanites‘ faith and righteousness beginning to decrease?

It was beginning to decrease because of the wickedness of the rising generation.


Matthew 14:24-27  John 16:33  D&C 61:36; 78:17-19

Pick one of these scriptures and tell us 

What is the background story and what did the Savior say to help people face their fears? How has He done this for you?

Matthew: Jesus was walking on the water and when they were afraid, He told them to not be afraid and that it was Him.

John: Jesus is telling his disciples to be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world.

D&C: Revelation given to Joseph Smith as they were traveling down a dangerous river. Jesus said to them: “Be of good cheer, little children, for I am in your midst. And I have not forsaken you!”

He always comforts them and tells them to not be afraid, but to be of good cheer. He is with us. He will help us. He will not forsake us ever.

What are examples in their own lives when Jesus calmed your fears?


3 Nephi 6: 10-15

What are 3 things that people did who are NOT disciples of Jesus Christ?

Verse 10:

1.  they were prideful and boastful because of their riches.

2. They were distinguished by ranks (they put themselves into groups and didn’t get along very well), 

3. They return railing for railing (mean to each other instead of forgiving)


What was the new thing that appeared in the sky?

A star


3 Nephi 2:1-3

What is something we can do to strengthen our conversion after we have a spiritual experience that the Lamanites did not do in these scriptures?

We can write spiritual experiences down in our journal, and remember them. For example remembering how we felt on our baptism day can help strengthen our conversion. Or remembering when we felt the spirit when we sang songs in primary…other examples? Sticking to what we know what is true from past spiritual experiences.


Nelson Quote: What does President Nelson teach us about finding joy in any situation?

How will you focus on Him more?

Nelson teaches that we can have joy in any situation if we ”look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” “in every thought”

give thanks for Him in our prayers

keep covenants we have made with Jesus and Heavenly Father

Savior becomes more and more real


In the song “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” 78

What are four ways in verse 2 from the song that we can be disciples of Jesus Christ?

1. Love my neighbor

2. serve my friends

3. watch for the day of gladness

4. Remember the lessons He taught