Called of God
Minister to Those You Serve
Administrative Responsibilities
Planning Meetings & Activities
Children & Youth Program

Quorum and class presidencies are called by __________



Who can provide you with a list of your class members?

Ward clerk OR young women leader OR Member Tools app

What does WYC stand for? 

(Bonus 50 points: Who conducts this meeting?)

Ward Youth Council 

Bonus: the oldest YW class president or the 1st Assistant in the Priest's quorum


President Nelson said “Every activity, every lesson, all we do in the Church, (should) point to the Lord and _____  _______  _______” (Russell M. Nelson, Ensign, May 2001)

His Holy House


What are the four areas we focus on as we set goals?

Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Social


Young Women class presidencies function under __________   ___________ when the presidencies are set apart (see Doctrine and
Covenants 42:11)

priesthood authority


Our main purpose in ministering it to help others _________ the _________

follow the Savior


Who should we invite to all of our meetings that we plan and conduct?

The Holy Ghost


Who attends the Temple & Family History Committee Meetings? (Name at least 4)

Typically the 1st counselor in the oldest YW, the 1st assistant, counselor in the Elders Quorum, counselor in the Relief Society, Family History Consultants, and the leader of the T&FH committee.


What does FSY stand for? (list all 3)

For the Strength of Youth conference 

For the Strength of Youth: A Guide to making choices 

For the Strength of Youth magazine


Presidencies are _________ to the Lord and His leaders (see Doctrine and Covenants 104:11–13



What does Moroni 6:4 say we need to do for those we serve? (hint, all three start with the same letter)

Number, name and nourish


__________   __________ can help us to be unified as a quorum or class presidency, led by the Spirit in making decisions, and more effective in doing the Lord’s work.

Counseling together


One of our main focuses we participate in is the work of ____________ and ___________

salvation and exaltation


Watch the video: Service and Activities

Who is in charge of organizing youth activities and service?

The youth class presidencies (with support from their leaders)


Presidencies serve as an ________ for quorum or class members (see 1 Timothy 4:12)



Make a list of 5 ways you can minister to those in your class (You have 30 seconds)

Answers could include: be a friend, pray for them, serve them, write them a note, text them, watch for them, invite them, etc.


One of the purposes of serving in a leadership calling is to develop  ________  _______ to accomplish the work

leadership skills


What are two trusted websites you can use to help you plan your activities?


Where can you find this scripture? In His youth, Jesus Christ “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”

Luke 2:52


Who said: “To be effective Church leaders, we must learn this critical lesson: leadership in the Church is not so much about directing others as
it is about our willingness to be directed by God”  (“The Greatest among You,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017)

Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Watch the video "We are Strong Together" 

What did the youth decide to do on their own to help their class members

Meet after church to decide how to help them


What path do I take to find training materials in the Gospel Library?

Gospel Library > Handbooks and Callings > Ward or Branch Callings > Young Women


Watch the video "Youth Responsibility in the Work of Salvation" with Elder Bednar.

What are the 4 things he said we should focus on as we plan activities? (hint, about one minute into the video)

1. Learning & Living the Gospel 

2. Sharing the Gospel 

3. Uniting Families 

4. Helping the Poor and Needy


As you plan activities, seek out opportunities for youth to provide meaningful service to _______   ________ and the ___________.
Consider the needs and interests of each quorum and class member while encouraging them to reach out
beyond themselves.

individuals, families, and the community.