Controlled Wander Around
Building Rapport
1st Impression and Greeting

This step requires open-ended questions to get to know your guest.

What is Building Rapport


This the percentage of people who buy from salespeople they like.

What is 71%


This is where your closing sequence starts.

What is the Landmark.


When you have a couple or family on a test drive, what is the order of people that should drive?

Who is the Salesperson, the Secondary Driver, and then the Primary Driver.


Having neatly clean pressed clothes, hair groomed, and shoes shined is the first step in this?

What is Looking Like A Pro.


When you do this step you will find that 80% of the guests decision to purchase is based on the 20% of the features of the vehicle. 

What is Investigate


Talking about Work, Hobbies, Sports, Family, License Plate Frames, Pets, or Bumper Stickers are all great ways to find this with customers?

What is Common Ground.


To create a Total Mental Ownership decision to buy you should be asking a dozen of these.

What are Action Closes.


This is how long a presentation and demonstration should last.

What is as "Long As It Takes".


After you introduce yourself and get the guest(s) name, you should then ask this type of question?

What is a Quick Yes Question.

You can completely Eliminate "Just Looking" with a great one of these?

What is a Greeting.


Asking these types of questions help build rapport?

What are open-ended questions.


After the demo and you have the guest park next to their trade, you should do this with your customer.

What is a Silent Walkaround


This percentage of the sale is made on the demonstration and presentation steps.

What is 80%.


If you do a poor greeting it will generate conditioned response which means you will receive your first one of these? 

What is a Buying Objection?


People doubt what they hear but believe what they see.  You can prove what you say with one of these?

What is an Evidence Manual.


Knowing what FAB stands for can help you determine what the customers Hot Buttons are.  What does FAB stand for?

What is Feature, Advantage, and Benefit.


Asking an either/or question like Would you like a cup of coffee or something cold to drink is an example of these type of questions.

What are Closing Questions


When doing a walk around and presentation you should pull the vehicle out of line, away from other vehicles and open all the doors causing this type of effect.  It is also the title of a movie.

What is the "Butterfly Effect"


Staying away from using foul language, car jargon, and laughing/joking/playing around can allow people to see you as a professional and to do this?

What is Sound Like A Pro


During the 6th step, not only should you be selling a vehicle, but you should be selling these three things as well.

What is the Dealership, The Employees, & Your Service Department.


In the acronym SPACED.  What does the A and E stand for?

What is Appearance and Economy.


Having this type of close after the landmark will keep control of the sell and direct the customer where to park.

What is the Sold Line Close


99% of guests say they must test drive a vehicle before they buy.  By doing this it creates this for the guest.

What is Mental Ownership.


By asking "How Can I Help" is this type of greeting?

What is a Bad Luck Greeting