United States
Was the establishment that provided a nucleus for French commerce and ambitions
What is Quebec
First successful English settlement in the New World
What is Jamestown
Is not a law (Act) that that was considered a reason for the discontentment of the American Colonists: a. Stamp Act b. Sister Act II c. Quartering Act d. Coercion Act
What is B Sister Act II
The British Colonies were split into 3 separate regions, named:
What is New England, Middle and Southern
A farmers’ protest in Massachusetts known as Shays’s Rebellion ultimately proved to George Washington that a. farmers should not be given the right to vote. b. existing governments were too weak and a stronger federal government was needed. c. slavery should be abolished
What is b. existing governments were too weak and a strong federal government was needed.
Was the purpose of Quebec a. organize French attacks against American Indians b. settle colonies to secure the valuable natural resources (like animal furs) of North America and export them back to Europe c. raise large families to rival the British colonial beginnings
Settle colonies to secure the valuable natural resources
Support for mercantilism led the British to see the American colonies as: a. competitors that needed to be wiped out. b. a source of wealth through a supply of raw materials and a market for the sale of goods. c. a drain on the British balance of trade. d. a failure in England’s search for gold and therefore no longer an investment worth pursuing.
What is B. source of wealth through a supply of raw materials and market for the sale of good.
Was the river that Washington and his troops crossed on Christmas night 1776
What is the Delaware River
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense. Please list one of the principles it advocated
The Atlantic Ocean was to wide for England to govern the colonies. An island can not govern a continent. No "mother" would treat her child so "badly."
List the 3 branches of government derived from the Constitution.
What is Legislative, Judaical, Executive
Influenced the Colonial debt and taxation the British placed on the Americans (The Seven Years Ward)
What is the French and Indian War
What was banned by British Parliament., according to the Proclamation of 1763?
What was the movement to settle lands west of the Appalachian.
The colony/state that was founded by Rodger William
What is Rhode Island
The Constitution is built upon a series of compromises among different parties writing the document. Roger Sherman’s suggestion, known as the Great Compromise, would create a. an agreement that three-fifths population counts for slaves in the South. b. a way to ignore the issue of slavery in the Constitution altogether. c. Congress set up with each state guaranteed an absolutely equal voice. d. two houses of Congress, one with each state having equal votes, another with representation based on population.
What is D. two house of Congress, one with each state having equal votes, another with representation based on population.
Were the too major Compromises needed for the ratification of the new Constitution
What is the Great Compromise and the 3/5 Compromise
19 year old Major General that played an enormous role in the defeat of the Redcoats.
Who is Marquis de Lafayette
The king who revoked the Massachusetts Charter
Who is King George
Which of the following was the British general that tried to split the American colonies in half, but ultimately had to surrender at Yorktown, VA.? a. George III b. Alexander Hamilton c. John Locke d. Charles Cornwallis
D. Charles Cornwallis
List a reason for writing three branches of government built into the Constitution
separation of powers limited government checks & balances
Was the war that demonstrated the Colonist ability to be a respecting adversary
What is the battle of Saratoga
In 1774, the Intolerable Acts closed off Boston Harbor, appointed a new governor to Massachusetts, and a. raised the taxes on sugar products. b. forced colonists to swear allegiance to the king. c. authorized British soldiers to be housed in American homes and buildings. d. prohibited all settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains
What is C. Authorized British soldiers to be housed in American homes and buildings.
The oldest city in the Continental United States
What is St Augustine.
was the purpose behind the American committees of correspondence formed in the 18th century
What is to privately organize the colonies against British threats to American liberties