Agriculture, Earth & Mineral Science, and Science
Engineering and Information Sciences & Technology
Business & Communications
Education and Health & Human Development
Liberal Arts
If you are intested in natural resources or wildlife this might be the college for you.
What is the College of Agriculture
The College of Engineering offers this many majors
What is 16
What is the GPA required for most majors in the Smeal College of Business (Finance 3.5)
The average teaching salary
What is $51,009
What is the number of majors in the College of Liberal Arts
These engineering programs are not found in the College of Engineering, instead they are housed in the College of Earth & Mineral Science
What are energy engineering, environmental systems engineering, materials science and engineering, mining engineering, and petroleum and natural gas engineering.
The (average) percentage of engineering students gaining full time employment
What is 97%
What is the GPA required for the Advertising and Public Relations degree in the College of Communications
Math Education, Chemistry, Earth/Physical Sciense, Spanish, Biology
What are areas of education with shortages.
This major prepares students for career opportunities with U.S. government executive agencies dealing with foreign affairs, international and homeland security, and the international economy; relevant committees of the U.S. Congress; multinational corporations, banks, and consulting firms; and international organizations. The major also provides preparation for law, business, and graduate schools.
What is International Politics
This major would prepare you for careers as an anthropologist, FBI agent, medical examiner, or police officer.
What is forensic science
These are some of the careers you could pursue with a degree in Information Sciences & Technology
What is Computer Programmer, Computer Security Specialist, Network Administrator, Consultant, Web Developer, Systems Analyst, etc.
The average starting salary for Smeal graduates
What is $47,400
This major offers a comprehensive program of study for students preparing to become speech–language pathologists or audiologists.
What is communication sciences and disorders
This interdisciplinary major is designed to give students an integrated and critical understanding of the experiences and contributions of peoples of African descent.
What is African/ African American Studies
These majors would provide a good foundation for students interested in pursuing the medical field.
What is chemistry, science, biology, immunology and infectious diseases, biotechnology, biochemistry, toxicology, premedicine (others will work if you complete the required coursework).
This major engages students in the problems related to information confidentiality and integrity
What is security risk and analysis
The rehabiltation and and human services major prepares you for these.
What is entry-level positions in a variety of human service settings, especially those dealing with persons with physical, emotional, or mental disabilities.
This program prepares students for supervisory and administrative positions in public or private agencies at the federal, state, and local levels such as park systems, environmental centers, resorts, university intramural and sport club programs, and event management businesses
What is Recreation, Tourism, and Park Management
This major provides graduates with a sociological perspective on human behavior informed by exposure to different substantive areas of the field; an understanding of the structure of American society, its internal diversity, and its international context
What is sociology
These are positions you can obtain with a Turfgrass Science degree
What is Conservation worker, Sports Stadium Manager, Golf Course Superintendent, Industrial Representative, International Turfgrass Specialist, Landscape Contracting and Maintenance Specialist, Lawn Specialist, Research Aide, Sod Farm Manager, Turfgrass Scientist, Vegetation Manager
This field of engineering focuses on building buildings while this field of engineering focuses on a roads and bridges to help us get to those buildings
What is architectural engineering and civil engineering
This major is designed for students who want to pursue an academic program and exposes students to the breadth of approaches to understanding the mass media
What is media studies
These are five of the eleven majors offered in the College of Health & Human Development
What are (any three of the following): Biobehavioral Health, Communication Science & Disorders, Golf Management, Health & Human Development, Health Policy & Adminstration, Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Management, Human Development & Family Studies, Kinesiology, Nursing, Nutritional Science, and Recreation, Park, & Tourism management
This major allows students to design their own interdisciplinary major based on their interests and future career paths.
What is Letters, Arts, and Sciences