What is the first stage of Human Development?
What is emotional growth
Refers to the Ability to express a range of feelings
what is puberty
changes in the body that are trigger by hormones to get the body ready for sexual reproduction
Mention the Stage : They have health problems and their body system become weaker.
Elderly (Old Age)
What Skills are development during Childhood?
What is Intellectual Growth?
The Ability to reason
Mention the Stage: They need a lot of care. They crawl.
In this Stage of Development Puberty Occurs
What is the difference between Physical Growth and Social Growth?
Physical Growth- Puberty
Social Growth- Socializing
Name 3 Changes in Female
Pubic Hair, Wide Hips, Acne etc
Mention the Stage: They do simple tasks like feeding themselves and putting on clothes.
Children/Child (Childhood)
What are some changes that happen between Childhood to Adulthood?
Name 4 types of Growth
Physical Growth
Intellectual Growth
Emotional Growth
Social Growth
Name 4 Changes in a Male
Facial Hair, Pubic Hair, Acne, Chest Hair etc.
Mention the stage: They reproduce and start a family
Adults (Adulthood)