Infant/child vital signs
Infant developmental stages
Pre-school and school age developmental stages
Case Studies 1
Case Studies 2

The respiration range of an infant

What is 30-60?


Olena, a 3 month old, is not able to hold up her head during tummy time. Is this appropriate?

What is no? She should be able to hold up her head by 2-3 months old


According to Erikson, the preschool age conflict is 

What is initiative vs. guilt?


Tommy, a 15 month old, was brought into his pediatricians office for a wellness visit. Upon assessment, Tommy is able to pull to stand, only understands the word no, and waves at the nurse upon exit. Is this appropriate? Is this a concern?

What is not appropriate and is a concern? These are the appropriate developmental stages of a 12 month old and it is a concern that Tommy is not showing the appropriate developmental stages


Bartholomew is a 7 year old boy brought to the emergency room post-head injury. Upon assessment, his vital signs are a HR 110, RR 28, T 98.6, and BP 130/86. Is this appropriate for his age? Is this a concern?

What is inappropriate and a concern? He is tachycardic, tachypneic, and hypertensive. The nurse should report the findings to the doctor immediately  


Heart rate range of an infant

What is 90-160?

By 9 months it is appropriate for an infant to hold a rattle by the handle

What is appropriate?


According to Erikson, the school-aged conflict is

What is industry vs. inferiority? 


Jennifer, a 3 year old female, is brought to her pediatricians office for her annual exam. Her parents report that she is able to get dressed on her own, she is able to use a fork, and is able to stand on one foot by herself. Is this appropriate? Is this a concern?

What is yes this is appropriate and is not a concern?


Georgina is a 3 month old girl brought to the emergency room by her parents for a concern of "high heart rate on her home monitor." Upon assessment, her vital signs are HR 142, RR 35, T 96.5, and BP of 64/44. Are any of these vitals a concern? If so, what could it indicate?

What is her temperature is a concern? Infants should have a temperature of at least 97.7. A lower temperature is a better sign of infection than a fever in this age group.

The respiration range of a toddler/pre-schooler

What is 20-25?


By this age, an infant should be able to start walking with hand holding

What is 12 months old?


It is important to consider giving a 10 year old this when performing exams that require them to change clothes

What is privacy?


George is a 5 month old that was brought into his pediatricians office for a wellness exam. George weighed 6 pounds and 6 ounces when he was born. Now George weighs 11 pounds and 1 ounce. Is this appropriate? Is this a concern?

What is this is inappropriate and is a concern? George's weight should be double his birth weight by the time he is 5 months old, so his lack of appropriate weight gain may signal a nutritional misbalance


Adeline is a 13 year old year old brought to the ER via EMS for concerns of an asthma exacerbation. Upon assessment her HR is 135, RR 32, BP of 124/87, and O2 of 84% on RA. Additionally, the nurse hear bilateral wheezing upon auscultation. Which vitals signs, if any, are a concern? Do you agree with EMS about the diagnosis of asthma exacerbation?

What is her HR, RR, and O2 are a concern? What is yes, I agree with the EMS diagnosis?

A toddlers heart rate should be between
What is 70-140?

By this age, a toddler should be able to to drink out of a lidless cup

What is 18 months?


It is appropriate for a toddler to regress to earlier developmental stages during a hospital stay

What is appropriate?


Jane is a 2 year old that was brought into her pediatricians office for her annual exam. Her parents report that she can jump with both feet, knows 3 colors, and has a simple morning routine. Is this appropriate? Is this a concern?

What is not appropriate, but is not a concern? Jane is showing the developmental milestones of a 2.5 year old, which is inappropriate, but she could just be a very smart 2 year old. Who knows?


Bob is a 4 day old newborn brought to the ER by his parents because he has become unresponsive and "his head looks huge." Upon assessment, the nurse notes that he is unresponsive to pain, it appears that his fontanels are bulging, and he feels cool to the touch. His vital signs are HR 87, T 95.4, and RR of 62. Is this a concern? What is a possible diagnosis? 

What is his assessment and vital signs are all of a concern? What is meningitis? 


Newborns should have a systolic BP of ____ and diastolic of ___

What is 60-80 and 40-50?


By this age a toddler will try to dress themselves, and by this second age they should be able to

What is 18 months and 3 years old?


The order of biological changes for a female going through puberty is

What is breast development, pubic hair, underarm hair, and menstruation?


Jimmy, an unknown aged homeless preschooler found wandering outside a McDonalds, is brought to the emergency room for an assessment. While the doctor is examining the child, Jessica the new grad ER nurse, is trying to use her knowledge of developmental skills to determine Jimmy's age. Jimmy seems to know over 2100 words, can tie his shoes, and can hop on one foot. How old does Jessica think Jimmy is?

What is 5 years old? Jimmy is showing the appropriate developmental milestones for a 5 year old. 


Ella, a 5 month old female, is brought to the ER by her parents because of "inconsolable crying and feeding refusal" that has been going on for the last 12 hours. Allen, an NICU nurse floated to the ED, knows that the FLACC scale is the most appropriate method to assess the infant for pain. Allen notes that Ella has a constant frown, appears restless, is shifting often, crying constantly, and inconsolable. From this, Allen knows Ella has a FLACC score of

What is score of 8?