Biblical Persons/ Characters
Faith Study
Sanctification Study
Biblical Persons/ Characters 2
The Holy Spirit

This man built an ark after hearing from God about judgment coming to the world.

Who is Noah.


Jesus said, If you have faith the size of a _______, you can say to this Mountain, move from here to there?

What is a mustard seed.


TRUE or FALSE- Sanctification is based on what you eat.

What is False.


In Heaven, God sits on a ___________.

What Is a throne.


These are Adam and Eve's first two sons.

Who are Cain and Abel.


Is the Holy Spirit equal to God?

The answer would be yes.  He IS God, and equal to the Father and the Son.


This leader was a man of God who would have dreams and eventually was thrown into a ditch by his jealous brothers, prior to becoming a leader over Egypt.

Who is Joseph.


Fill in the blank, "without faith, it is impossible to ____ God"?

What is please God.


TRUE or FALSE- Sanctification is not a one time experience.

What is true.


This is the first book in the New Testament.

What is the Book of Matthew.


_______ the Baptist.

Who is John the Baptist.


The Holy Spirit interprets this. (And also wrote it)

What is the Word of God.


This angel is known as an archangel typically over battle- and is also known as a "guardian, chief prince" over the Country Israel.

Who is Angel Michael.


This is the faith that leads to Salvation.

What is Saving Faith.


Sanctification is not based on______ appearance.

What is outward.


After Judas hung himself, Matthias was chosen by who to take Judas' place?

Who are the 11 Disciples/ Apostles.


Which one of these four names was NOT an apostle (original 12 disciples):


- Cyrus



Who is Cyrus.


The Holy Spirit represents the ________ presence of Jesus.

What is the unlimited presence.


This queen was a daughter of the King of Tyre, married to King Ahab and she was evil.  She worshipped the God Baal and tried to kill Elijah, and he ran away.   She was later thrown off a tower and died.

Who is Jezebel.

These are the FIVE areas we must apply faith in our Christian service.

What are: Prayer; Preaching; Giving; Evangelism; and Loving Others.


TRUE or FALSE- Sanctification comes before Salvation.

What is False.


There are this many number of Books in the Bible.

What is 66 Books.


The wife of David, who gave him the son- King Solomon the Wise.  He initially committed adultery with her and then killed her former husband.

Who is Bathsheba.


The Holy Spirit does this to a believer's spiritual senses.

What is activates/ provides activation to a believer's spiritual senses. 


This Evangelist/ Elder/ Disciple- appointed by the 12 apostles- was teleported away, after he evangelized and spoke the Gospel to an Ethiopian Eunuch who was a government official.

Who is Philip.


This Bible verse explains to us that- We acquire faith by reading or hearing the Word of God.

What is the verse- Romans 10:17.


Name a way a believer can be defiled.

What is/ what would be...  

1. Through the issues of the heart (Jeremiah17:9-10; Mathew 15:19-20)

2. Through sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)

3. Through foolish talks and jesting (Proverbs 26:18-19; Ephesians 5:3-4)

4. Through bitterness and strife (Hebrews 12:15)

5. Through careless use of the tongue (Colossians 4:6.


God chose this man to become an apostle, to preach to the Gentile people, some time after Judas Iscariot killed himself.

Who is Saul/ Paul.


The Babylonian Name that Daniel, from Daniel and the Lion's Den, was given.

What is Belteshazzar.


The Holy Spirit possesses these THREE attributes.

What is a will, emotions, and intellect.