The first book of the new testament
What is the book of Matthew?
papers were place on your back and chest and you walked through the door.
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Famous saying that has to do with a sport
I aint come to hit you but aint come to miss you.
What was the meaning of tug a war when only one person was placed on one side and many persons on the other side.
you are never alone God is always with you/ and God will always send you help.
Famous saying to do with people being involved.
This side getting on my nerve
what was the 3 day weekend of activities.
bridging the gap/ youth vibe 2021
famous saying to do with junkanoo
grab ya neighbor shake them and rock them.
what will keep you and carry you, you must have in order to communicate with God properly.
the Word/Bible
famous saying not including everyone
This only for about five of you
what is ACTS?
Famous saying about going to do something but dont do it.
in closing/I closing right now/ I finish right now