Christ demonstrated his power over: _______, ________, ________, _________.
sickness, the Devil, Death, Nature
What are some examples of the evidence of Jesus' humanity?
•He was born of a real woman (Luke 2:7),
•he was hungry (Matt. 4:2),
•he was thirsty (John 19:28),
•he became exhausted (Mark 4:38),
•he died (Luke 23:46).
And behold, I am __________ ___________ ____________. Matthew 28:20
with you always
Heart means our ____________ and ________________.
passion, desires
TO CARE IS TO _______ OTHERS AS _______ DID.
Who alone can forgive sins?
Fill in the blak:
If He cannot represent us, then he cannot _________ us.
redeem (pay the price for our freedom)
Do not be conformed to this world, but be ___________ by the renewal of your ______, that by testing you may ________ what is the will of God, what is _____ and _________ and _________. Romans 12:2
transformed, mind, discern, good, acceptable, perfect
Soul means breath from the _________________.
Caring is our ________________.
Since Jesus had the authority to forgive sins, and only God can forgive sins, Jesus is
Our salvation is as dependent on Jesus being 100% _______ as it is on him being 100% _______.
human, God
Love God with all your ___________, with all your __________, and with all your ______ This is the great and ______ commandment. Matthew 22:37-38
heart, soul, mind, first
W.A.R. is a strategy and it stands for:
Caring is __________ and _______ _______.
compassion life long
Give examples of times Jesus demonstrated his power over sickness, nature, the Devil and death. One of each.
As long as it's in the Bible and is one of those it counts.
If you ask a spirit you are not sure comes from God or the devil how Jesus came to earth, what is the answer that will tell them apart?
Jesus came in flesh and blood. In other words as a human.
Go make _____________ of all ___________________, ______________ them in the name of the ___________, and of the ________________ and of the ____________ _______________.
disciples, nations, baptizing, Father, Son, Holy Spirit
We are a _________________ generation.
John 13:35 “Your love for one _______ will prove to the ______ that you are my ___________.”
another world disciples
What are Jesus attributes? (There are 7) Characteristics only God has.
Bonus: +100
Sovereign, Eternal, Unchanging, All-knowing, Perfect, Holy, Truth
Bonus: +100 Explain at least three of them.
Think of the many hardships of a human life, Jesus experienced them all. We discussed 8 of them. Mention at least 5.
He was tempted, sorrowful, angry, rejected, falsely accused, betrayed, cried out in desperation to God, wept at a funeral.
And a second is like it: You shall _____________ your neighbor as _______________. Matthew 22:39
love, yourself
WE MUST BE DISCIPLES WHO CREATE __________ __________!
Jesus offered compassion instead of judgment to the woman caught in adultery. Can you think of a time when you chose compassion over judgment towards another person?
Bonus: 100+ Personal. Requires you to go deep. Share about a time when someone showed compassion to you instead of judging. Explain.