The Relationship Series
These are God's 2 gifts, according to the relationship series.
What is singleness & marriage?
Of all the adult leader couples, this couple is the oldest.
Who is Jacob & Becky?
Matthew's rapper character who first appeared at this year's Youth's Got Talent talent show.
Who is Matty-B?
This youth kid rides with Matthew to youth group most weeks.
Who is John?
The worship team's back-up pianist.
Who is Morgan?
According to Romans 12:2, "do not be conformed... be ________"
What is "transformed"?
What is Roasties & Toasties?
The youth group's longest road-trip began in this city.
What is Houston?
This youth took home the prize for best "Special Talent" at this year's "Youth's Got Talent" talent show.
Who is Silas Bertholf?
This girl has been in youth group since Matthew joined.
Who is Corra?
The blasphemous idea that you can date them to save them.
What is "Missionary Dating"?
(or "flirt to convert")
Of the adult youth leaders, this many of them do NOT have college degrees.
What is 4?
One of these is NOT a "False Faiths Trip" that the youth group has been on: Islam, Scientology, Mormonism, Hinduism, Wicca, Catholicism, Judaism.
What is Hinduism?
This youth was awarded "Most likely to be in an emo boy band" Roastie.
Who is Gavin?
This is one of the two girls who took home a 2023 record of 6 Roasties last year.
Who is Kyla or Elise?
"Don't take the road to her [the adulterous'] house" is from this book of the Bible.
What is Proverbs?
This is the number of mission trips Avery & Brent have been on together.
What is zero?
Who is the Grim Reaper?
Once Adrey and Corra graduate out, this youth member will have been in the youth group the longest.
Who is Calum?
She broke her foot on a youth mission trip.
Who is Lilly?
The number of verses in Romans 12
What is 21?
The combined age of the youth leaders (within 3).
What is 183?
The farewell song that is played at every Roasties & Toasties.
What is "5,000 Candles in the Wind"?
This relatively consistent youth member drives the furthest to youth group.
Who is Kyle Flannegan?
These five are all related to youth leaders.
What is Faith, Lilly, Corra, Elise, Autumn?