The Planets
I want Candy
Eco Systems
Disney Critters
Fun with Food

This planet acts as earth's guardian, protecting it from large asteroids by drawing them to itself. 

What is Jupiter?


This famous chocolate brand is named after a town in Pennsylvania.

What is Hershey's?


This is the term for a hunter animal that itself is not hunted by anything.

What is an apex predator?


The cute and fluffy monster that landed on the Hawaiian islands. 

Who is Stitch?

This favorite way of preparing potatoes is not named after its country of origin but the way they are cut. 

What are French fries?


The status of this orbiting object has changed from planet to dwarf planet. 

What is Pluto?


This avian puffy confection is an Easter staple.

What are marshmallow peeps?


The name for a mutually beneficial relationship between two living organisms. 

What is a symbiotic relationship?


The grumpy parrot sidekick of Aladdin's main villain Jaffar.

Who is Iago?

Originally prepared by native Americans for thousands of years, this poppy snack began to be popularized in the United States in 1885. 

What is popcorn?


It wasn't known until 1989 that this planet was surrounded by its own ring. 

What is Neptune?


This tart and crunchy candy is named after a common and usually unfavorable term for a person devoted to academic, technical, or other pursuits.

What are Nerds?


The series of changes an organism goes through as it progresses through various developmental stages of life. 

What is a life cycle?


"We're all mad here." declared this mysterious feline to Alice. 

Who is the Cheshire Cat?


This most popular condiment is made from the small and pungent seeds from a plant that are crushed and mixed with other ingredients. 

What is Mustard?


This planetary object has a water cycle of liquid raining from clouds just like earth.

What is Titan?


Originally licorice flavored, this classic candy is now best known for its modern strawberry variety.

What is Twizzlers?


The particular role fulfilled by an organism in its ecosystem. 

What is a niche?


This rodent dynamic duo began their careers tormenting Donald Duck before getting their own show as rescuers. 

Who are Chip and Dale?


This classic dish is touted as the best cure for the common cold and many other illnesses. 

What is chicken soup?

When a probe landed on this planet's surface, it lasted for an hour before being destroyed by the harsh conditions. 

What is Venus?


The advertisement for this twin stick candy asks you if you prefer the left or the right one.

What are Twix?


An organism which lives in or on another organism, usually to the other organisms harm. 

What is a parasite?


This surly administrator of scare floor F in Monsters Inc. is always watching. 

Who is Rozz?


This twisty bread is believed to have its origins in Germany, made by monks in the middle ages to give to the poor as food and a religious symbol. 

What is a pretzel?