Both a plumber and a mushroom stomper, dresses in overalls and a red cap.
Where is the Eiffel Tower located?
Paris, France
The most popular pet in North America, right behind dogs and cats.
This series has toys come to life when humans are not looking.
Toy Story
What is the second book of the bible?
This creature is a fire lizard and is a starter Pokémon in the region of Kanto.
San Francisco is the largest city in California. Name the major bridge that goes through this city.
The name of a female deer
A doe
The Lord of the Rings are based on a novel by what author?
J.R.R. Tolkien
Last week we were told our primary objective as Christians is to...
Tell others about Jesus
This hero is stuck in a constant cycle of waking up with no memories and his princess being stolen.
One of the 7 wonders of the world and major tourist attraction for Rio de Janeiro.
Christ the Redeemer
What is the slowest animal on land
A sloth
What is the name of the teapot character in beauty and the beast?
Mrs. Potts
Senior pastor name
Pastor Jim
The creator of the video game Super Smash Brothers.
Masahiro Sakurai
The beautiful island of Hawaii is a constituent state of what country.
The United States of America
What is the name of a baby Kangaroo
A Joey
Who is the villain in the Little Mermaid LIVE ACTION movie
The book of psalms is composed of many praises written and composed for God. The primary author for the book of Psalms is.
What Nintendo device succeeded the Game Boy Advance system?
Nintendo DS
Name the tallest building in the world
The Burj Dubai (The Burj Khalifa)
How many toes does a Guinea Pig Have
What are the bad guys called in Transformers?
2020-2030... Calendar created and represents Jesus birth!