His wife told him to curse God and die.
Job 2:9
Jesus was led of the Spirit to this place to be tempted of the devil.
the wilderness
Matthew 4:1
This is the number of Tribes of Israel.
Genesis 49:28
How many wives did Solomon have.
What is 1000?
700 wives and 300 concubines.
He was Jesus' earthly father.
Luke 4:21-22
The animal God used to speak to Balaam.
a donkey
Numbers 22:22-34
Jesus prayed in this garden right before his death
the garden of Gethsemane
Matthew 26:36
Mark 14:32
This is the number of books in the Bible.
What is 66?
Jacob loved her so much he worked 14 years to pay for her hand in marriage.
Genesis 29:20-30
He made an axe head swim.
2 Kings 6:1-6
Jesus sent Peter to get there tax money from here.
Matthew 17:25-27
Mouth of a fish
Jesus performed His first miracle here. Or where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
marriage of Cana of Galilee
John 2:1-11
Jesus' age when he was teaching the elders in the temple, and Mary and Joseph were looking for him.
What is Twelve Years old?
Luke 2:42
She was Abraham's wife and mother of Isaac.
Genesis 17:19
David was best friend's with his enemy's son ______.
1 Samuel 18:1
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
John 1:47-48
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
Mount of Olives, or Olivet
Acts 1:9-12
The book of Revelation has how many chapters?
What is 22?
The wife that David got from Nabal.
1 Samuel 25:14,40
He was the brother of Jesus and wrote one of the New Testament epistles.
Who is James?
She was a prophetess and a judge in Israel.
Who is Deborah?
Judges 4:4
Golgotha is also known as the place of the _____
Matthew 15:22
We are to forgive a brother/sister who sins against us this many times a day.
70 times 7
Matthew 18:22
She was married to Aquila.
Acts 18:2
He thought he was lying to Peter, but was lying to the Holy Ghost about the amount of money he and his wife made from the sale of their property.
Acts 5:3