The Leper’s Desire
The Power of Jesus
Faith in Action
Biblical Knowledge
Memory Verses

What did the leper say to Jesus when asking for healing?  

 “If You are willing, You can make me clean.”


How did Jesus respond when the leper asked to be cleansed?  

Jesus said, “I am willing; be cleansed,” and healed him immediately.


What is faith according to the leper’s example?  

Believing that Jesus could heal him despite the odds.


What book of the Bible is this story found in?



Complete the verse: “Then Jesus, moved with __________, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, ‘I am willing; be cleansed.’”  



Why was it significant that the leper knelt down before Jesus?

It was a sign of humility and faith, showing his desperation and submission.


What did Jesus do before saying "I am willing"?  

He stretched out His hand and touched the leper.


 How can we demonstrate faith in our daily lives, like the leper?  

By trusting God even when things seem impossible and seeking His help.


What other books of the New Testament mention Jesus healing a leper?  

Matthew and Luke


Where is this verse found in the Bible? "I am willing; be cleansed."  

Mark 1:41


What made the leper break the social rules to approach Jesus?  

His desire for healing and faith believed that Jesus could help him.


Why was Jesus’ touch significant?  

Touching a leper was against Jewish law because leprosy made a person unclean, but Jesus showed compassion and the power to heal.


What does Jesus say about faith in other parts of the Bible? Hint: was mentioned in the lesson.

(Matthew 17:20)


Which chapter in Mark contains the healing of the leper?  

Mark 1


What does Psalm 146:5 say?

"Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God."


What risk did the leper take by approaching Jesus publicly?  

He risked rejection, punishment, or further isolation due to the social stigma of leprosy.


What happened immediately after Jesus spoke to the leper?

The leper was healed, and his leprosy left him immediately.


What actions did the leper take that demonstrated his faith?  

He approached Jesus, knelt before Him, and asked for healing, believing that Jesus could do it.


Who else in the Bible was healed because they believed in Jesus and had faith?  

Woman who bled for 12 years.


Which Psalm tells us to put our hope in God for healing?  

Psalm 146:5-9


What does the leper’s approach to Jesus teach us about desire and faith?  

It teaches that desire for healing and faith in God’s ability can overcome fear and obstacles.


How did Jesus demonstrate both His authority and compassion in this story?  

He showed His authority over disease by healing the leper and His compassion by touching someone considered untouchable.


How can faith help us overcome fear, based on the leper’s example?  

Faith in God can give us the courage to approach Him, even when we face rejection or obstacles.


In the Old Testament, which prophet healed a man of leprosy?

The prophet Elisha


What does Mark 1:41 teach us about Jesus’ character?  

It shows His compassion and willingness to heal those who come to Him in faith.