Lead Singer of Maverick City
Chandler Moore
"Job 22 verse 28"
Pastor Charles
"I'll praise 'cause You're faithful
Praise 'cause You're true
21 Sceptre Street....
Reconciliation Ministries Atlantis
Fred Hammond
This person is sometimes called the forerunner of Jesus.
John the Baptist?
Brother Jakobus
"Take my Heart, Take my Life...
As a living sacrifice.
River in which Jesus was Baptised
Jordan River
Big God
Tim Godfrey
Without God He wouldn't have made it
Marvin Sapp
"And when it is time that you send your son do not look us by..."
"Never could have made it, without you
I would have lost it al
This mountain was the place where God wrote the 10 commandments.
Mount Sinai
Jesus Walks
Kanye West
"Brothers and Sisters!!"
Kirk Franklin
"Kan iemand in die plek die here praise?"
"Feel Like The Hope Is Gone
But As I Lift My Hands, I Understand
That I should praise you through my circumstance.
Jesus prayed in this garden right before his death
The Garden of Gethsemane
Take me to the King
Tamela Mann
Ruth's 2nd husband
"Can we get holy ghost?"
Sister Judy
"He saw the best in me
"When everyone else around
Could only see the worst in me."
This place's name was changed after Jacob had a vision of a ladder.
I'll Find You