animal kingdom
Fairy Tales

This bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech

What is a parrot


This fast paced sport involves two teams of five players trying to score points by shooting a ball through a hoop.

What is basketball


This animated movie tells the story of a young lion prince who must reclaim his kingdom from his uncle Scar

What is the Lion King


This fairy tale features a young girl in a red hood who encounters a cunning wolf

What is Little Red Riding Hood


This magical household figure moves from room to room, helping Santa by making sure children are being good.

What is Elf on a Shelf


The fastest land animal in the world is a big cat. 

What is a cheetah


This sport involves riding waves using a board and is often associated with tropical beaches

what is surfing


In this movie series, a young wizard named Harry Potter attends a magical school called Hogwarts.

What is Harry Potter


This fairy tale tells the story of a princess who falls into a deep sleep and can only be awakened by true love’s kiss.

What is Sleeping Beauty


The other reindeer would not let Rudolph join in any of these activities.

What is reindeer games


This long-necked animal is native to Africa and is the tallest land animal. 

what is a giraffe


In this sport, players use a long stick to hit a ball into the opposing teams goal

What is lacrosse


This superhero movie features a web-slinging hero named Peter Parker who protects New York City

What is Spiderman


In this classic tale, a young girl named Cinderella attends a royal ball with the help of her fairy godmother

What is Cinderella


If you leave treats for Santa’s reindeer, then make sure you put out these crunchy orange vegetables

What are carrots


This amphibian starts its life in water as a tadpole and then transforms into blank.

What is a frog


This professional basketball player is often referred to as “King James” and has won multiple NBA championships

who is LeBran James


This animated movie follows the adventures of a young clownfish named Nemo who gets lost in the ocean

What is Finding Nemo


This fairy tale tells the story of a young mermaid who gives up her voice to become human and pursue true love

What is the Little Mermaid


Will Ferrell played the oversized North Pole adoptee who sets off to find his father in this 2003 Christmas classic.

What is Elf


This iconic animal lives in Australia and is known for carrying its young in a pouch. 

What is a kangaroo


This sport, often played on ice, involves two teams trying to score goals by hitting a puck into the opposing team’s net

What is hockey?


In this movie, a young girl named Elsa has the power to create ice and snow, and she learns to embrace her abilities.

What is Frozen


In this tale, three bears discover that someone has been eating their porridge and sleeping in their beds

What is Goldilocks and the Three Bears


Edible houses with candy decorations are made from this traditional baked substance.

What is gingerbread