How many of the 2000 stripling warriors were injured? (Hint: Alma 57)
All of them (Alma 57:25)
What is the first commandment? (Exodus 20)
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)
What is the name of the man whom Jesus rose from the dead? (Hint: John 11)
Lazarus (John 11:14)
What did the brother of Jared use for lighting the ships? (Hint: Ether 3)
How many priests of Baal did Elijah challenge to light fire? Hint: (1 Kings 18)
450 (1 Kings 18:22)
What was the first recorded miracle of Jesus? (Hint: John 2)
Turning water into wine (John 2 1-12)
In which book does Christ visit the Americas?
3rd Nephi.
How many stones did David carry to battle Goliath? Hint (1 Samuel 17)
5- 1 Samuel 17:40
Who successfully walked on the water with Jesus? (Hint: Matthew 14)
Peter (Matthew 14:29)
Ammon was offered this but instead chose to be a servant to King Lamoni (Hint: Alma 17)
The Kings daughter to be his wife.
What is the passover, and what does it represent? (Exodus 12)
How much did Judas sell Christ for? Hint: (Matthew 26)
30 Pieces of silver (Matthew 26: 15)
This man's head was cut off, yet he still raised his hands up and fell afterwards (Hint: Ether 15)
Shiz (Ether 15:31)
What happened to the youth who made fun of Elisha? (Hint 2 Kings 2)
Two bears came out of the forest and ripped them apart (2 kings 2:23-24)
Jesus was crucified on Golgotha. What does that translate into? (John 19)
Place of a skull (John 19:17)