What is David Toney's favorite IG hashtag?
Where were we heading when the church bus AC blew up?
Beach Retreat
Who are known as "the twins"?
Gaby and Bell
"When you have it..."
"... say Amen."
What does Justin Cook wish he could be, but he can't?
Navy Seal
Who cried the entire week at Beach Camp?
Caleb Peeler
Who is known for having 13 back to back girlfriends?
Korbin Junge
What does Will say to keep everyone's attention?
"Stay with me now"
What does Will say to give us hope that the message is almost over?
"Justin, y'all come on up."
Who got explosive diarrhea from Mr. Waffle?
David and Duck
Who were the original middle school boys?
Korbin, Mikey, Christian, Brayden
What does Will say when the message is coming to an end?
The plane is landing
What is Duck's favorite lie to tell?
"We are going to do something a little different tonight." (We always do the same thing)
Who got caught shoplifting candy on a snow tubing trip?
Mason Meddows
Who broke the youth room window with a football?
Chloe Cash
Who's Will favorite friend to bring up during the message?