15% of teens feel lonely
Person A telling person B that they're not good enough to play tennis ball and that they'd fail miserably.
Negative support system.
Person A listening to person B's problems and struggles.
Emotional Support - Listening
A support system is a network of people of your choosing. Can be parents, teachers, friends and many more.
Person A spending time with person B, since person B broke up with their partner.
Positive Support system.
Person A providing their car for Person B.
Tangible Support-Offering
One can keep their support system positive by staying home and not meeting new people.
Person A explaining a personal life story so Person B can understand more about what life can be like.
Positive Support systems.
Person A giving advice to person B about the right paths to take in life.
Informational Support - Advice
Youth that have positive and strong support systems are more likely to stay healthy mentally and physically.
Person B getting judged by Person A because they made a bad decision.
Negative Support systems.
Person A being the number one supporter at person B's baseball game.
Esteem Support - Cheerleader