The Founder of YouthBuild is?
Dorothy Stoneman
What time are trainees expected to be at youthbuild and ready?
This staff member is in charge of the entire Youthbuild program?
William Chatman
What is the third planet from the sun?
What artist said "Heart been broke so many times, I don't know what to believe"?
Rod Wave
How long is your commitment to youthbuild?
2 years
What is NOT allowed during circle?
No eating or drinking
This staff member will help you with job placements and internships?
Cheritza Mondesi
Who is the leading scorer in the NBA all time?
Bonus- How many points
Lebron James
- 41,667
What artist said " It's close to midnight, and something evils lurking in the dark"?
Michael Jackson
What year was the first YouthBuild started?
What do you need to sign in order to get your paycheck?
timecards and stipend sheet
This staff member has been here for 5 years
Who has the most followers on Instagram?
Cristiano Ronaldo
What artist said "I think l left my consciousness in the sixth dimension but i'm here right now
How many Youthbuilds are there currently?
What time do Must you call if late or absent and what is the number?
before 8 - 815.963.6236
This staff member represents youthbuild
Claudia and Will
Where was the sock monkey originated?
What artist said" Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed"?
Bruno Mars
Who is the CEO of youthbuild
John Valverde
What are the two biggest rules in YouthBuild?
No fighting and No alcohol or drugs
This staff member always has candy
How many stars are there in our solar system?
One, the sun
What artist said " I don't know your name but excuse me miss, I saw you from across the room"
Chris Brown