What are the ways that you can contact your YP3 Advisor?
What are...... by phone call, text message, email, and google calendar link.
The types of assistance you will receive during your year in the program
What is.....Academic, Social Emotional, and College and Career.
This Participation Requirement is based on you meeting with your advisor for a particular amount of time
What is......Monthly Meetings ( or at least five meetings every five months)
True or False: Eligibility for the $500 stipend is based on monthly meetings only.
This is where you can receive more information about YP3..
What is... your current HS advisor,
contacting the YP3 advisor,
Through the YP3 Flyers and Materials
True or False: I am a First Generation Student
What is one of the 4 A's
What is......
This Participation Requirement is determined by your Pathway and what you want to achieve
What is......Setting at least one goal
Overall, Myself, and the YP3 program is here to help you ________.
What is.......Succeed/Help with your Post Secondary Pathway.
The name of your YP3 Advisor
What is....Kandace
This would classify as Assemble under the 4 A's
What is....
Skillful Opportunities
This Participation Requirement consist of you going to at least 4, two of which need to be a Denver kids event and a Denver kids workshop
What is ..... 4 Opportunities
When making progress towards the Stipend, your Yp3 Advisor keeps track of the monthly meetings and goal progress. You keep track of this
What is... the opportunities or the 4 opportunities
List one of the Pathways you can be on in the YP3 Program
What is one of the following:
Pathway 1- Education: 2 or 4 year college
Pathway 2- Education: Apprenticeship, Trade, GED, or Certification program
Pathway 3- Employment: Career exploration, job searching, skill building
Pathway 4- Planned Time Off: GAP year
Pathway 5- Military