Lead into Badr
Muslim Side
Quraysh Side

Why is it called the Plains of Badr?

There was a well dug by Badr ibn Yakhlud, so it was called the Well of Badr. The whole area was then named after the well, so it came to be known as the Plains of Badr.

How big was the Syria caravan that the Prophet SAW was trying to capture?

It had 1000 camels and there were 40 armed guards.


How large was the Muslim army?

Around 315 people. Some mention 313, 315, and 317 people. Basically it's 310 plus an odd number. 83 were Muhajirun, 63 were Aws, and 170 were Khazraj. There were two horses belonging to Zubayr ibn Al-Awwam and al-Miqdad ibn Al-Aswad. There were less then 100 camels, some books mention 70, meaning three people had to share a camel.


How big was the Quraysh army?

1300 people. They had over 600 suits of armor, around 500 camels (to ride and eat [it is said they slaughtered 10 camels every day]), and over 100 horses.


What is another name for the Battle of Badr?

Yawm al-Furqan: The Day of Criterion


What was Atikah's dream?

In three days, a crier will come to Makkah, racing on his camel, and he first goes to the Ka'bah and cries out, 'O you, traitors! Meet your death in three days from now and then the crier is on top of the Ka'bah and says the same thing. Then he is on top of the Mountain of Abu Qubays and says the same thing." So the crier said the same thing three times, "O traitors!" This crier picks up a large rock (from the mountain of Abu Qubays), topples it down the mountain, it cracks up at the base, and it keeps on rolling until it hits every house in Makkah.


What was the cutoff age for joining the Muslim army?

14 years of age


Who was the rider that Abu Sufyan sent to warn the Quraysh?

Damdam ibn Amr al-Ghifari


Who threatened Abu Jahl with the capturing of the Syria caravan?

Sa'd ibn Muadh. He was visiting Makkah and was staying with Umayyah ibn Khalaf. He decided to perform tawaf, and was confronted by Abu Jahal and was threatened with death. Angry, Sa'd threatened to deprive the Quraysh of something even more beloved to them, ie. their caravans. 


How did the Prophet SAW gather the Sahabi for Badr?

He told everybody that was ready with an animal to come with him, and once they were outside of Madina, he told them that they were going to capture the caravan.


What was the story of the Prophet SAW and the pagan?

The pagan wanted to join the army, and whenever the Prophet SAW would ask if he would accept Islam, he said no, so the Prophet SAW said "we do not ask for help from pagans". After 3 times, the pagan finally got the hint and accepted Islam.


Who on the Quraysh did not want to fight at first?

Abu Lahab, Utbah ibn Rabi'ah, Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'ayt, and Ummayah ibn Khalaf


Who did Iblis appear as to the Quraysh and why?

He appeared as Suraqa ibn Malik because the Quraysh had a fued with Banu Bakr, so they were worried that Makkah would be attacked while they were away. Banu Bakr was part of Banu Kinana, and Suraqa ibn Malik was a chieftan of a subtribe of Banu Kinana. Because of this Suraqa could guarantee them their safety.


What two spies did the Prophet SAW send to monitor the caravan?

Sa'id ibn Zayd and Talha ibn Ubaydillah


Who shared the camel with the Prophet SAW?

Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abu Lubaba


Why did the Quraysh decide to stay at Badr even though the caravan was safe?

They wanted to show the Arabian Peninsula that they were strong, ie. it was a boast.


What did Abbas do when Abu Jahl insulted him and his tribe?

He denied any claims at first, but after a scolding from the women of his tribe, he decided to confront Abu Jahal, only to find out that the ride [Damdam] had come, meaning the dream had been fulfilled.


Who did the Prophet SAW put in charge of Madina when they left for Badr?

Abdullah ibn Ummi Maktum, though he was blind, he was wise.


What is the story of Sa'd ibn Muadh and his famous statement?

The Prophet SAW called all the Sahabi at Badr and asked for their opinions about going to fight. Abu Bakr, Umar, and al-Miqdad ibn Amr all said yes. However, they were all Muhajirun, but the Prophet SAW was looking for one of the Ansar to say something. Then, Sa'd ibn Muadh stood up and gave an eloquent speech affirming their [the Ansars'] support.


What was the dream that a person from Banu Hashim had before Badr?

One of the youngest men from the Banu Hashim who was in the Quraysh army, saw a dream. He saw in his dream that a crier, who had a camel with him, riding towards them and announced, "Utbah ibn Rabi'ah has been killed, Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah has been killed, Abu al-Hakam ibn Hisham (Abu Jahal) has been killed, Umayyah ibn Khalaf has been killed..." and he kept on mentioning every single famous name of the Quraysh, and said they all have been killed. And then the young man said the crier cut the hump of the camel and sent the camel forward, and the camel went into their encampment, and its blood splattered on every single tent. But the army ignored this dream and considered it to be a meaningless dream — little did they realize it was a true dream.