Religious Belief
Religious Practice

Identify the 3 B's of Being Religious? 

Beliefs, Behaviours, Belonging 


Define Religious Belief

A conviction about an idea central to a religion and expresses a religious truth. 

Identify a religious practice or ritual. 

In Catholicism, a religious practice is veneration of saints. 


Name a world religion and list two denominations of that religion. 

World Religion: Christianity 

Denominations: Roman Catholicism + Greek Orthodox 


What was the school originally called? 

DeVialar College 


Define the term "Religion"

A system or set of beliefs including practices and rituals that are directed to a deity. Influencing people to live a morally good life. 


Identify a Religious Belief for a religion you have studied (exact wording needed for full points).

In Catholicism, a religious belief is "made in the image and likeness of God" or Imago Dei. 


Define Religious Practice

The way that something is done in a religion which involves steps that are repeated or have a particular pattern. These might include words, actions or gestures that have specific meanings. 


Identify two divisions in a world religion. 

The Great Schism and Protestant Reformation. 


What type of assessment is Task 1? 

Source Analysis and Explanation


100 points each: Define 

Secularism, Atheism, and Agnosticism

Secularism: belief in separation of Church and State (Religious Belief should not influence laws)

Atheism: Belief in nothing when you die

Agnosticism: Uncertainty in the existence of a deity. 


What are the foundations of a religious belief? 

Image and Likeness of God - Genesis 1:27

CCC - 1702, 1703, 

Outline a religious practice or ritual. 

Veneration of saints is where believers honour and show respect to individuals who have lived exceptionally holy lives, often through prayer, rituals or commemorative events.   


What was the moment of division for a religion? 

Great Schism - the excommunication of leaders between east and west. 


What house was Mr Phillips originally in as a student? (bonus points for Homeroom) 

Delany - D1


Outline the 4 Characteristics of Religion

Beliefs and Teachings 

Rituals, Practices, Celebrations, Events

Leadership and Rules

Customs and Traditions


Describe a Religious Belief 

Made in the Image and Likeness of God: 

Image - We don't look like God but mirror his moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature. 

Likeness - Mirror God's divinity through our qualities. Including creative freedom, self actualization, and rational structure. 


Outline how we undertake this religious practice.

We can venerate saints through respectfully bowing to a Saint's statue or a crucifix. 

Going on Pilgrimages. 

Prayer or novenas dedicated to the Saint.


Explain the causes for a division in a world religion. 

Great Schism

Cultural - Language and Geography

Theology - Filioque Controversy 

Practice - Icons and Bread 

Leadership - Pope vs Patriarchs 


What is the current liturgical season? 

What does it signify? 

Lent - signifying the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert and was tempted by the devil. 


Explain the concept of being religious

Deeply personal matter. 

Each person relates differently to their religion

Measured through Beliefs/ Belonging/ Behaviours


Explain the key features of this Religious Belief. 

1. Dignity of the Human Person

2. Solidarity 

3. Preferential Option for the Poor

(Detail on how each is a feature)


Explain why a religion does a religious practice. 

Catholicism undertakes veneration of saints because through their actions and sacrifice they have imitated the holiness/ teachings of Christ and act as a guide to enlighten others. 


With what event did a division affect the people of a religion?

Great Schism - the 1st Crusade was when the people were impacted by the division of the two. 


What is the walk way called between the NMC and Mother Seton Centre? 

Pakka Street