English translation of 你好
Which is "Hello"
The Chinese word for the number "4"
Which is 四
The Chinese term of the body part "ear"
Which is 耳/耳朵
The Chinese translation of "happy"
Which is "開心"
The English translation of 九折
Which is 10% off
English translation of 早晨
Which is "Good morning"
The Chinese words for the number "35"
Which is 三十五
The Chinese term of the body part "eye"
Which is 眼/眼睛
The Chinese translation of "angry"
Which is 嬲
$0.25 in Chinese
Which is 兩毫半(子)
Chinese translation of "Goodbye"
Which is 再見
The Chinese words for the number "281"
Which is 二百八十一
The 2 Chinese terms of the body part "mouth"
Which are 口 and 嘴
The Chinese translation of "sad"
Which is 傷心
四十八個半 in English
Which is $48.5
Chinese translation of "so-so"
Which is 麻麻地
The number 3,906 in Chinese
Which is 三千九百零六
The Chinese term of the body part "foot"
Which is 腳
The English translation of "bored"
Which is 悶
"4 for $6" in Chinese
Which is 六蚊四個
Chinese translation of "see you next time"?
Which is 下次見
The number 736,018 in Chinese
Which is 七十三萬六千零一十八
The Chinese name of the body part "index finger"
Which is 食指
One thing that makes a person feel 醜死鬼
(e.g. When a person say something wrong in a presentation)
"35% off" in Chinese
Which is 六五折