what is the missing number 12 + __ = 14
12 + 2 = 14
how many legs does a lobster have??
A. none there not real
B. 9 legs (four on each side)
C. 10 legs
D. 36 tiny little legs
the answer is
witch is the correct way of spelling
A. beer
B. bear
C. baer
D baar
B is the correct answer
how many sides does a triangle have
3 sides
12 + 3 = __
compare the two numbers with the greater then, less then and equal to symbols 338__337
338 > 337
what animal is known as a mans best friend?? (hint hint lots of people have it as pets)
a DOG is a mans best friend
what is the correct spelling
A. chicpken
B. chiken
C. cicken
D. chicken
D. is the correct way
how many siblings does Hailey have?
2 siblings
26 - 7 = __
what is the sum of 4 + 10 = ???
14 Is the sum
name 6 animals that have 4 legs
dog, cat, lion, tiger, zebra, elephant, cheetah
what is the correct spelling
A. glich
B. glitch
C. glitc
D. gltch
E. none of the above. all the spellings are wrong and this is not a word
B is the correct spelling
how many letters are in the alphabet???
64 -10 = __
what is the missing number __ + 12 =112
100 is the missing number
100 + 12 = 112
what bird can fly backwards?
A. most birds can
B. no birds can fly backwards
C. hummingbirds
D. a parrot
C. is correct
what is the correct way of spelling
A. hembooger
B. hambuger
C. hamburger
D. humburger
C. is the correct spelling
who wrote the cat in the hat books
Dr. seuss.
127 + 5 = __
Sadie starts with 5 apples she then grabs 3 more for her 3 friends. but she drops 2 of them on the way to school and has to throw those 2 away how many apples does she have when she gets to the school?
sadie has 6 apples
how many living animals are on earth (closest answer wins its in the millions)
8.7 million animals on earth
what is the correct spelling
A. library
B. libuary
C. librery
D. all of the above, there is many ways to spell this word
A. is correct
how many days are in a year
1,123 - 123 = __